
Pete Evans' wife Nicola says she's having her 'toxic' breast implants removed next month.

Last week, vocal celebrity chef and clean living activist, Pete Evans, appeared on Channel Seven’s Sunday Night program in an interview spruiking new claims in relation to his controversial Paleo lifestyle. Yet it was his wife, Nicola Robinson Evans, and some revelations she made alongside her husband that seemingly got all the attention.

When asked about her life before Pete and whether she was leading a natural life in those days, Nicola responded with a laugh before saying, “No I wasn’t leading a natural life, which is why I have two toxic silicon implants attached to my chest.”

She said it was the “deepest regret of her life” as well as revealing that she “dabbled in fillers, Botox, all sorts of things that were driven by my fear to try and make myself feel better.”

“I wasn’t eating the right foods. So no, I wasn’t living the clean, pristine life that I do now,” she added.

Can you be clean living while injecting botox into your face? Post continues below.

Nicola was formerly a New Zealand swimwear model and often appeared in the Kiwi tabloids. While often appearing quite salacious in their media at the time, Nicola said “it had to be because the real girl is quite boring.”

She was 21 years old when she had her first breast implant surgery and thought the operation would boost her confidence.

“I had a lot of very deep fears and insecurities and I still do. It’s a daily process to let go of them and to allow myself to blossom and be the best I can be,” she said.


After having her breast implants, Nicola’s modelling career was said to have taken off but now, she has told the program she has serious regrets.

“That girl that I was is not the woman I am today. There’s no way I would pay a doctor to slice me open and put these inside me or anything else unnatural. That girl that I was is not the woman I am today,” she continued.

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When confronted with the statement that Botox and fillers fly in the face of the natural way, Nicola said, “Absolutely I mean it’s all foreign substances that women and men are putting into their bodies.”

“Botox is definitely an extremely well studied product and I’m sure it’s got its uses in medicine for people who have issues and I have no judgement of women that choose to use it. No judgement whatsoever. I’ve been there I know where that comes from.”

When asked what he is going to do now, Nicola said “I one hundred percent intend to have these things removed. I do not like them. I’ve only ever had complications with them. I’ve had to have a number of surgeries to correct ongoing complications. It’s been a painful experience. I went into it extremely blind and I think most women do. At the end of the day it is two foreign objects in your body.”

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On the removal, Pete says he’s “stoked she’s going to get them out because they’re not natural. They’re causing her body and other women’s bodies major issues especially when it comes to autoimmune issues and illnesses by having these foreign things in the body. So I support her one hundred percent, one thousand percent to do what’s right for her.”

Nicola plans to have her silicone implants removed next month and ‘wants to encourage other women to follow suit.’

“I intend to be very vocal about how I feel once they are removed. I would really like to empower women to feel comfortable within their skin. They don’t need to change anything, they’re beautiful inside and out,” she said.

Nicola has promised to keep Sunday Night updated with her progress.

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