
The Today Show tried to discuss Pete Evans' newest lifestyle craze and it did not go down well.

Pete Evans and his latest lifestyle trend have come under fire from 2GB presenter Ray Hadley, who labelled the celebrity chef “a nincompoop” on Tuesday.

Appearing on Channel 9’s Today Show alongside host Karl Stefanovic, Hadley said bluntly, “the bloke’s as mad as a meat axe, leave him to the other network. Is this the Paleo bloke?”

pete evans the today show
Ray Hadley appeared on The Today Show on Tuesday and slammed Evans. Source: The Today Show.

When Stefanovic nodded, Hadley continued, "Mate, I refuse to talk about him, he is a nincompoop."


The comment arose after Stefanovic asked Hadley what he thought about "earthing", a lifestyle technique promoted by Evans  over the weekend.

We discuss: Why does everyone hate Pete Evans? (Post continues after audio.)

Advocates (like Evans) claim there are health benefits to having a physical connection with the earth’s surface, for example by walking barefoot or sitting on the grass.

As the earth’s surface is electronically charged with negative ions (molecules that have an extra electron attached), it’s thought that these additional electrons are transferred from the ground to the body during direct contact with the skin.

These charges work to stabilise free radicals and reduce inflammation in the body. Earthing has been associated with alleviating pain, assisting in wound healing and improving sleep.

Or, in Stefanovic's terms, "you basically roll up your sleeves, take off your shoes, you roll around in the dirt in the hope of forming a connection with the mother earth."

Sorry, Pete Evans. We're not sure about earthing. Source: Facebook.

Hadley, however, was having none of it. "I refer to my earlier comment. He is a nincompoop," he said with growing disinterest.

When Stefanovic invited the talk back radio host to go earthing with him, Hadley simply replied, "If you want to go down there, with the paparazzi chasing you, go for it, just leave me out."

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