
News in 5: Perth mum's plea; Eurydice Dixon's family; Donald Trump sued.

– With AAP

1. “I miss you calling me mummy.” Perth mum’s plea as 5-year-old daughter fights brain tumour in Mexican hospital.

As her five-year-old daughter lies in a coma in a Mexican hospital bed, Perth mother Sandy Nguyen is pleading for the Australian government to help bring her home.

Annabelle Nguyen was diagnosed with a rare form of brain cancer in 2015 and her family had flown to Mexico for experimental treatment not available in Australia. Treatment appeared to have worked until about six weeks ago, it emerged the tumours were back and Annabelle was induced into a coma.

On the Facebook page Fighting DIPG with Annabelle on Thursday, Sandy expressed her heartbreak at this time.

“It’s getting harder and harder to see you on the damn hospital bed. You’re near but yet so far, I miss your beautiful voice, I miss you calling me ‘mummy, mummy’. I miss you so much baby.”

Sandy and Choong Nguyen estimate they need $290,000 to bring Annabelle home via an air ambulance flight.

In an effort to raise the money they have launched a GoFundMe page and are also appealing to the federal government.

“We’d need to go home ASAP as time is crucial now but how? How can we afford to go home with such an expensive flight? Only if we can get the change of heart from the government but no news from them.

“Now all I can do is waiting and waiting. But can my child wait?”

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade told Yahoo7 it was providing consular assistance to an Australian family in Monterrey, Mexico.


2. Eurydice Dixon was metres from the home she lived in with her single dad and teenage brother.

Image: Facebook

After performing her comedy act at a Melbourne bar on Tuesday night, Eurydice Dixon made her way home, but never arrived.

Jaymes Todd, 19, has been charged with the rape and murder of the young woman after her body was discovered in the early hours of Wednesday on a soccer field in Carlton North's Princes Park.

It's been revealed the 22-year-old's last words - and last text - were to her partner of four months, fellow comedian Tony Magnuson.


The Herald Sun reports that after leaving Highlander Bar, Eurydice and Tony got a snack and said goodbye at a tram stop at Federation Square.

"I think I feel like walking tonight," she told her boyfriend, blowing him a kiss.

Then around midnight, Tony received this text: "I’m almost home safe, HBU(how about you)?"

A neighbour told The Age Eurydice lived with her father Jeremy and her 16-year-old brother in a third floor flat about 100 metres from Princes Park. Their mother had died about 11 years ago, she said, and Jeremy "lived for his kids".

Jaymes Todd will next appear in court on October 3.

3. Push to dissolve Donald Trump's "nonprofit" foundation after alleged illegal conduct.

Donald Trump
Image: Getty.

US President Donald Trump has attacked "sleazy New York Democrats" after the state's attorney general sued him and his namesake foundation, adding he would not settle the case.

New York's Attorney General Barbara Underwood is suing Trump and the Donald J. Trump Foundation, saying the nonprofit should be dissolved after more than a decade of illegal conduct, including support for Trump's 2016 US presidential campaign.

Underwood accused the foundation and its directors of conducting "extensive unlawful political coordination" with the campaign, and "repeated and wilful self-dealing" to benefit Trump's personal and business interests.

"The Trump Foundation was little more than a chequebook for payments from Mr. Trump or his businesses to non-profits, regardless of their purpose of legality," Underwood said in a statement on Thursday. "That is not how private foundations should function."

"The sleazy New York Democrats, and their now disgraced (and run out of town) A.G. Eric Schneiderman, are doing everything they can to sue me on a foundation that took in $18,800,000 and gave out to charity more money than it took in, $19,200,000. I won't settle this case!" Trump wrote on Twitter.


Trump's children were also named as defendants in the attorney general's petition, filed with the New York State Supreme Court in Manhattan.

New York is also seeking $US2.8 million of restitution plus penalties, a 10-year ban on Trump serving as a director of a New York non-profit, and one-year bans for his children Donald Jr, Eric and Ivanka.

4. NSW inquest into death of two babies finds Department of Family and Community Services 'failure'.


A NSW government agency failed to offer adequate support to a mother struggling with drug addiction before the sudden death of two babies, a coroner has found.

The inquest held earlier this year at Glebe Coroners Court examined the sudden deaths of two half-sisters, known as BLGN and DG, who were three months and 19 days old respectively when they died in 2014 and 2015.

In her findings, Deputy State Coroner Harriet Grahame said there were "significant" failures in the level and nature of support offered to their mother by the Department of Family and Community Services.

"As (the mother) struggled to parent with a serious ice addiction, FACS failed to offer her useful support or appropriate intervention," Ms Grahame said.

While the cause of death for each of the children was undetermined, the inquest found there was a bureaucratic failure and "ongoing inadequate" response to a family in genuine need.

The coroner was able to rule out the possibility that BLGN's death was suspicious, noting there were factors which suggested unsafe sleeping practices but she couldn't say if they were responsible for the infant's death.

The inquest also found the culture at the local FACS community service centre was one where workers accepted most matters could never be allocated to resources.

"The picture that emerged of the local CSC was one of overwhelming hopelessness," the report said.


In her findings, Ms Grahame said it was "reassuring" FACS recognised the systemic and ongoing issues in relation to the allocation of cases.

Some of the changes already undertaken by FACS include improved training, increased number of caseworkers, better data collection and a greater focus on the performance of community service centres.

In handing down the recommendations, Ms Grahame said: "The problem is clear and urgent. We are currently failing children who need our help."

FACS has been asked to undertake a review of its resource allocation, examine the performance of each district and amend its policies regarding assessments, reports and resource allocation.

If you or anyone you care about needs crisis support, you can phone Lifeline 13 11 14 or beyondblue 1300 22 4636,

5. Manhunt underway for an attacker who sexually assaulted 11-year-old NSW girl.


A Newcastle community is being urged to stay "vigilant" as the hunt continues for a man who abducted and sexually assaulted an 11-year-old girl in a "horrendous" five-hour ordeal this week.

Police are throwing every resource at the hunt for a man who grabbed the girl from behind as she walked to school on Tuesday morning through Hudson Park in the suburb of Adamstown Heights.

She was then threatened with a knife, sexually assaulted and forced into a car - believed to be a red Holden Commodore - and driven to bushland where she was sexually assaulted before being released at Kotara Railway station about five hours later.

The young girl walked 1.5 kilometres on her own before raising the alarm at a home and was taken to John Hunter Hospital for examination.

Officers have been door-knocking in the neighbourhood and distributed pamphlets describing the attacker.

"Until we find this person I'd be more vigilant than ever," Detective Superintendent John Kerlatec told reporters in Newcastle on Thursday.


"I'd be sitting down with my children and setting out some ground rules about where they can go and where they can't go," he said.

Parents should explain to their children what to do if they feel unsafe or uncomfortable, who they can turn to or run to, and need to be aware of their surroundings, he said.

The attacker is described as chubby with short black messy hair and wrinkles on his forehead and around his mouth. He spoke with an Australian accent.

The attacker could also be a smoker, as the young girl described him as smelling of cigarette smoke or body odour.

Brown staining on his bottom row of teeth and cracked lips were also visible despite the fact he was wearing a dark-coloured zipped-up hoodie that covered part of his face.

He wore beige coloured shoes and denim jeans.

Det Supt Kerlatec said at least 10 investigators have joined Newcastle police in tracking down the attacker but urged the public to also contribute.

6. Full-time work a struggle for 25-year-olds, new report reveals.

The "quarter-life crisis" is becoming more common as young people struggle to find full-time work.

Half of Australia's 25-year-olds are in full-time work, despite 60 per cent of them having post-school qualifications, a new report has revealed.

The Foundation of Young Australians has also found it's taking young people longer than their parents to find full-time jobs.


In 1986, it took 12 months to transition from school to work, but today that figure is more than four-and-a-half years.

Even allowing for gap years and those who continue their studies, the figure only drops to two-and-a-half years.

"At 25, young people are increasingly reporting they feel like they can't get anywhere and are struggling to navigate a career path in a rapidly changing world of work," a foundation report says.

"This has been termed by some as the quarter-life crisis with reported prevalence increasing."

The Mitchell Institute's director Megan O'Connell says unless schools focus on student capabilities like creativity, critical thinking and communications skills essential for jobs, Australia risks falling behind.

"We can't keep focusing on last century's education milestones - it is not enough anymore to get good high-school grades or even go on to further study or training," she said.

The FYA report suggests there are ways a young person can speed up their transition to work.

A course teaching problem-solving, teamwork and communications skills can put them 17 months ahead and 2000 hours of work in a relevant job can speed the transition by five months, while 5000 hours can put them a year ahead.

A positive mindset can reportedly give young people a two-month head start.

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