
Do you think this is a circle? Your answer reveals more than you might think.

Image: Supplied.

Stop what you’re doing, examine the shape above, and tell us: is it a circle?

Your answer will most likely fall into one of two camps:
(1) “Yeahhh… close enough.”
(2) “Ah, no way. Look at those edges.”

For the purposes of this exercise there’s no wrong or right answer. However, according to psychology expert Dr Ben Ambridge your response does reveal something quite specific about your personality — and that’s your political ideology.

In a new study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Dr Ambridge showed participants a range of slightly altered shapes. It was straightforward exercise, but the responses appeared to reflect the subjects’ “differences in sensitivity to deviance.”

Watch: Regardless of your politics, here are 5 things you need to know about finance. (Post continues after video.)


Those who were willing to accept the flaws and still see each shape for what it was — i.e. the “Yes, that’s a circle” crew — were more likely to be of a liberal persuasion, strongly supporting topics like marriage equality, legalisation of medical marijuana and aid for the homeless.

In other words, they were more accepting of different or disadvantaged groups in society.

Alternatively, those who were a little less forgiving of the imperfections — “No, there’s no way that’s a circle” — exhibited more conservative beliefs. (Post continues after gallery.)

They were more likely to support the protection of business owners’ rights, having a strong military, and punishing wrongdoers, even for more low-level crimes.

Whether or not you think it’s an accurate measure, there’s no denying it’s a much quicker ‘political personality’ test than some of the multi-question quizzes you can find online in the lead up to an election.

That said, if you’re a swinging voter it’s probably not the best way to decide which party to elect — policies are pretty important, you know?

What was your answer? Did it reflect your politics?

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