
A top chef just shared his recipe for perfect scrambled eggs and we're floored.

Scrambled eggs are pretty simple, right? Eggs, a dash of milk or cream, a shake of salt and pepper – scramble together and voila.

Not according to renowned chef Anthony Bourdain who has shared a very different recipe for scrambled eggs.

The US chef and author insists his take on the breakfast staple is simple and superior.

The difference? There’s no water, milk, cream, crème fraîche or dairy product other than butter – a very generous amount of butter.

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“I just don’t feel that milk or cream adds anything. It’s about the egg. You’re not making a quiche here, you’re making scrambled eggs,” Bourdain said.

In the video interview with Tech Insider, the 60-year-old explained the temperature of the pan was key to great results – hot, but not too hot.

Unfortunately, Bourdain doesn’t tell us what is “too hot”, but we’ve tracked down an easy way to tell, simply by flicking a little water on the pan.

If it just sits there, it’s not hot enough. If it combines into balls and skates around on the pan, it’s too hot. If it sizzles and evaporates within a couple of seconds, it should be perfect.

The pan needs to be hot, but not too hot.(Image via iStock.)

Anthony Bourdain's scrambled eggs.

1. Heat pan on a medium heat.

2. Crack eggs on a flat surface into a bowl and season.

3. Beat the eggs until you get a ripple of yellow and white throughout, but be careful not to over beat them - you don't want a bowl full of "homogenous" yellow.

4. Add a generous amount of butter to the pan and wait until it begins to foam.

5. Tip eggs into the foaming butter and let them sit and cook for a little while until they're slightly formed.

6. Push the eggs around in a figure-of-eight pattern using a fork until eggs are fluffy.

No cream, milk or water in the perfect scrambled eggs. (Image via iStock.)

The recipe, which is also perfect for people who are lactose-intolerant and still enjoy butter, relies on the cook knowing when to stop beating and stirring.

"You don't want tiny little bits of egg as your final product. You want something fluffy, airy, rippled," he said.

Bourdain also insisted the eggs should be cracked, scrambled and cooked promptly to avoid "screwing up" this simple dish.

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