
I've fallen in love with the most underwhelming show on television.



Pawn is my guilty pleasure.

Pawn Stars, that is. It’s the most underwhelming show on television. A gag-inducing reality show where the scripting is as terrible as the personalities. It’s awful, underwhelming, and yet I cannot look away.

This sleepy Foxtel show has a cult-following amongst intelligent, normal people who are mesmerised by it’s shitness and no one can quite work out why.

The premise for it is simple: four overweight men run a Las Vegas pawn shop.

That is all.

The scintillating stars of the show... via Pinterest.

Do these four men look like they have the ability to produce engaging content? They can't. It's terrible.

The reality show details the day-to-day running of the Gold and Silver Pawn Shop in Las Vegas. Each half hour episode portrays four or five Average Joes trying to sell their most valuable items - everything from treasure chests to Picasso sketches -  to the four fat white blokes above.

It's basically low-brow Antiques Roadshow for crap you find in your garage.

I make a desperate attempt to convince The Binge podcast hosts Rosie Waterland and Laura Brodnik to watch it with me. Listen here:

The shop will buy anything of value - ANYTHING. They've bought and sold everything from antique toilets to prosthetic pirate legs. Not even joking.


These Average Joe's enters the shop full of hope. They think their item is the one; worth a small fortune; one-in-a-million.

And sometimes it is...

5th edition Book of Mormon from the show. via YouTube.

Like this original 5th edition 1842 Book of Mormon worth a gobsmacking $55,000 AUD.

But sometimes it's not. You get people walking in with a 'family heirloom' expecting to walk out with millions, only to be told it's worth less than a lump of excrement.

Like this "50 million year-old amber rock with a spider" inside...

Poor guy was so hopeful... via History Channel.

... that was completely fake and not worth a single cent.

Don't watch Pawn Stars if you're an intellectual human looking to expand your horizons.

However. If you have a half hour to waste? I highly recommend filling it with poorly-scripted jokes, overweight white men, and hopeful humans trying to sell crap they found in their dead Grandpa's basement.

You'll be mesmerised too.  It's not your fault. It's the power of Pawn.

You can watch Pawn Stars on A&E, on Foxtel. Episodes run far too often throughout the day.

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