
Daily dose of cute: photographer imagines himself tiny and huge in wacky self-portraits

It seems like the stuff of imaginative children’s books: What would happen if you woke up one day to find yourself shrunken teeny-tiny, or grown totally huge? That’s the question photographer Paul Armstrong explores in his whimsical and wild self-portrait series, “Big Me, Little Me.”

And we’re so enjoying the Alice in Wonderland-like results.

Ginormous Java

Honestly? Many mornings we only wish our cup of coffee was this big relative to our body.


Blade Runner

A very, very bad time to be tiny indeed.


That Sinking Feeling

At least being this small in the bathroom would be convenient for cleaning around the fixtures. So there's that.


Mail Call

Little help here? Guys?


In the mood for something small...

Hope he doesn't need anything from the freezer.


Seating Arrangement

Not super comfortable, but a good aerial vantage point for keeping an eye on the kids.


Couch bound

Not really feeling the love in this love seat.


Shower Scene

There's just never enough hot water in here, I swear.


Bed Time

Somehow, he never seems to wake up feeling truly rested.

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