When it comes to the health and fitness world, “free” isn’t a word that you hear very often.
Most things cost money – and not just a little bit of money. These days, I do a fist-pump when I find a workout class that costs less than $25 per session. I’m also on a never-ending search for a decent water bottle that would get me change from a $20 note.
So when I heard about parkrun, I was apprehensive. A free running event? That happens every week? In parks all over the world? Yeah, of course. And my name is Santa Claus.
But I was wrong. Parkrun does exist, and it’s brilliant.
It happens every Saturday morning, at 7 or 8am. It’s exactly 5km and run entirely by volunteers. And it’s not a race – it’s a run. You’re only running against yourself, against the clock, aiming to beat your best 5km time.
So it’s pretty much like going for a run around the park by yourself… only you’re doing it with hundreds of other extremely motivated runners. It’s an awesome way to get the vibe of a running event without forking out any money, and it’s a great way to stay motivated – all that excitement around you is contagious.
Parkrun is the brainchild of Paul Sinton-Hewitt, who founded parkrun in the UK into 2010. It quickly spread out to other countries, with hundreds of thousands of runners signing up to take part all over the world.
Here’s how it works…