There might be a whole blog devoted to shaming parents on their mobile phones, but this mum is arguing that a texting mum is an organised mum.
I have just spent the past three days without a phone and I have been a jangled mess. It’s not because I haven’t been able to Tweet, and it’s not because I haven’t been able to take any Selfies. It’s because I rely on my phone to co-ordinate my children’s school drop offs, pick ups, meeting and activities.
THAT’S why I’m always texting on my phone. So stop telling me to stop texting, okay?
Just as an FYI, my phone was finally broken beyond repair and I had to wait three days for my new phone to arrive. I found it on the floor of my son’s room with the screen looking like a paint spill!
I really resent the fact that mother’s are labelled negligent if they are on their phones while their kids do swimming lessons, playing at the playground or playing sport. We should be watching every single move they make. That’s what a GOOD mother would do?
Except I’m at soccer with my oldest son. My husband texts to ask what time we’ll be back so I can look after our younger children so he can pick up our new computer desk chair. Then I text my sister to see if she is home so we can drop by. I don’t call because it could wake her baby up. Later I text my other sister to let her know I’ll be taking the kids to school the next day. A text from a mother who was at our house recently. Her son left his top here. Can I leave it on the front doorstep and they will pick it up when they can. Yes, I text back.