Anyone remember when Lisa gives her classmate Ralph a “pity Valentine” on The Simpsons, that reads, “I choo choo choose you”, because it has a train on the front?
Here’s a refresher of that iconic puppy love moment:
Most of us can relate to being in Ralph’s position: not getting any love on Valentine’s Day at school. Even worse, watching what seems like the entire student body get stuff. We know what it feels like to be ignored, rejected, and neglected on the most romantic day of the year, during out most formative years.
It’s excruciating. You so want to be one of the loved ones. But nobody loves you.
Except your parents.
Just occasionally, the people who’ll love you like no other – your parents – step up to save your face on the day.
Here’s are the best stories of how one mum, and one dad, ensured their daughters felt special on the completely-fabricated-commercial-event-that-nonetheless-really matters; Valentine’s Day.
The Mother
Freelance writer Maggie Panos wrote about “The Time I Had a Secret Admirer For a Decade.” Starting in sixth grade, the writer began mysteriously receiving a huge bunch of flowers on Valentine’s Day, from an anonymous benefactor. In what she refers to as The Case of the Mystery Flowers, Panos describes how the day after the first delivery, her confidence soared.
“The next day I went to school, looking particularly spunky for a girl who literally wore the same baby-blue vinyl coat to school for the entirety of sixth grade.”