Does letting the grown-ups get stuck into the pinot grigio at the school dance send the wrong message?
There she was, cutting a lonely figure on the dance floor, dancing the Funky Chicken. Which would have been fine, except there actually was no actual dance floor. Or music.
Welcome to my daughter’s Year 5 Christmas concert. Impromptu dance courtesy of the open bar.
This was my first-ever school function where alcohol had been a part of the festivities. To be fair, it was 39 degrees outside and this lady was simply letting her hair down after what had been a big year on the organising committee. She was enjoying herself and hurting no one. Although, just maybe, this really wasn’t the right place for her to be having one too many shandies.
As my children progressed throughout the schooling system and especially since we moved to Victoria, I realised the involvement of alcohol at school functions is quite common. That even at the annual Primary State School fete, I could secure a glass of Pinot and wander the grounds seemingly unpoliced.
The fact that these incidents took place on school grounds and under the influence (even if it wasn’t in an excessive amount) of alcohol, has made many schools rethink and implement new policies. The negative impact and the fact that there is often simply no place for alcohol at many of these events, means that the access, at many events, will simply be phased out.
One mother, who called the Australian Drug Foundation with concerns, said she was shocked to see fathers bringing eskies of beer to school Christmas concerts.