Get off your back and close your legs for 5 minutes to do some parenting, you poor excuse of a mother. Set an example, your son is a little c*nt. Your problem is now the world’s problem. Thanks.
That’s the message I got on Facebook after an online vigilante group named and shamed my son. My son Jake* is 16 years old, and for the past year, he’s been in and out of juvenile detention. It started out with a trespass charge.
And now he steals cars – luxury cars… Apparently millions of dollars worth.
Jake’s spent the best part of the past year locked up, and is currently inside.
He doesn’t see what his crimes do to everybody else around him. Our house is severely damaged by police from repeated raids with and without search warrants. The neighbours hate us. Me and Jake, and visitors to our house are pulled over leaving our street and regularly searched by police. A neighbour even told a visitor to our house not to “hang around over there cause you’ll end up in jail too”. What a wanker.
A lot of people want to blame me for my son’s crimes, they always say it’s the parents’ fault. But do they know what it’s like to be the parent of a teenager driving a high powered v8 sports car in a police chase clocking speeds most people will only read about? All with the lives of half a dozen other young teenagers in their hands?
Do they know why or what drives my son to break the law? I want to tell them a bit more about our lives.
Ten years ago, we were just like any other family. My husband and I thought we were pretty lucky, with three healthy children. That all changed very quickly. Jake’s younger brother and sister were diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder. It’s classed as a terminal illness.