real life

The parenting wins that remind you, 'you got this'.

Nothing makes a parent happier, at the end of the day, than not having to ask, “why didn’t you eat your lunch today?” It’s satisfying to know you have managed to successfully nourish your child at school so they were better able to learn. It doesn’t happen very often, which is why when it does it feels so damn good. It’s what I like to call ‘winning at parenting’ – those moments when you feel justified in giving yourself a pat on the back for a job well done.

My children are at challenging ages. My oldest, Philip, is 11 and he regularly tells me that he is going through puberty, which is why he is so moody. Then there’s Giovanni who’s seven and my six-year-old daughter Caterina. Three school-age children with completely different personalities, opinions and interests – and with this in mind, my parenting win comes but once a month.

We’ll all pack into the car headed for our favourite family restaurant and while we’re all talking and mucking around (no devices, no distractions) and enjoying each other’s company they somehow remember to say “please” and “thank you” when the waiter comes to take our order and then bring us our food. They share, they pass each other things. I must say that I feel very happy about the job that I’m doing on nights like this.

parenting wins
"It’s what I like to call ‘winning at parenting’ – those moments when you feel justified in giving yourself a pat on the back for a job well done." Image via iStock.

I asked all the amazing mums in my life to share a moment when they felt like they were winning at parenting, because sometimes we need to stop and celebrate the little things, our tiny achievements.

“When my son went to someone else’s house for half a day and they complimented me on his beautiful manners and good behavior.” - Katrina

“Any time I get breakfast in bed.” - Tag

“When my son went to someone else’s house for half a day and they complimented me on his beautiful manners and good behavior.” - Katrina. Image via iStock.

“Oliver is only 19-months. We were in the kitchen and he brought a throw pillow from the lounge room. I asked him to take it back. He picked it up with his chubby hands, dropped it, picked it up again and took it back and threw it on the couch. It was only two weeks ago. My heart melted. He listens.” - Erika

“I love it when my kids help each other whenever they fall over or get hurt. It’s so sweet.” - Kate

“When they give each other half of something they were awarded, UNPROMPTED. When they put their arm around each other walking to school.” - Shauna

“I felt like I was winning at parenting when I took my 2 year old daughter out one day, and she put both fists in the air and shouted, “I am very happy!"” - Carla

“The first time my son made me a cup of tea. He was 9 and so proud of himself and I was in absolute heaven.” - Jo

“I felt like I was winning at parenting when I took my 2 year old daughter out one day, and she put both fists in the air and shouted, “I am very happy!"” - Carla. Image via iStock.

“Whenever my son tries a new food. He’s really fussy with his food and it’s a huge day whenever he just tries something. Even if he doesn’t like it, just get him to have a go makes me feel so relieved at least he is willing to try and eat more fruit and vegetables.” - Maree

“My daughter peeled herself a carrot and ate it as a snack, instead of biscuits. So happy.” - Emma

“I was grocery shopping with my three-year-old daughter and as we put things in our trolley she would point to them and say really loudly, “Healthy”, “Not healthy”, which was pretty great because at least she knows.” - Mel

“I said “Ouch” while cooking dinner one night and my son ran and got me a band aid. He’s five. He just ran and got it, gave it to me and went back to what he was doing.” - Anne

“My son downloaded two healthy living apps, sat his little brother and sister down, and started telling them about all the things they should be doing to be healthier. My little Commando.” - Mira

“My son downloaded two healthy living apps, sat his little brother and sister down, and started telling them about all the things they should be doing to be healthier. My little Commando.” - Mira. Image via iStock.

“When my daughter went to sleep and slept for more than six hours for the first time.” - Biagio

“Every time someone tells me how lovely and kind my children are.” - Kayley

“When my two girls learnt how to do their own hair! VICTORY at last (and an extra 20 minutes in the morning.” - Karen

“Whenever they fall asleep without crying or calling out for me.” - Rachel

“My daughter told me she’d washed the dishes. I walked in and it was a bit of a mess with water and suds everywhere but hey, she’s five. I’ll take all the help I can get.” - Deana

“My daughter told me she’d washed the dishes. I walked in and it was a bit of a mess with water and suds everywhere but hey, she’s five. I’ll take all the help I can get.” - Deana. Image via iStock.

“I woke up to my son standing next to my bed. He told me he wet the bed but not to wake up because he had changed his pants and put down a clean sheet. Just too cute.” - Renee

“Any time they tell me they love me without me saying it first. As they get older it happens less and less but I’ll take it.” - Ashley

“I taught my son to tie his own shoelaces this week. I thought he’d never get it. Winning!” - Jess

What are your little parenting wins?

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