
After 13 years of parenting, this is the most important lesson I've learned.

Bern and the kids.



Before I’ve even gotten out of bed some mornings I’ve already been made a mess of. Wait, that doesn’t sound right. Let me start again.

Getting kids ready for school can go either one of two ways.

The first involves a breezy and perfectly easy routine of the children rising, the children eating their breakfast, the children getting dressed on cue, the children brushing their teeth, the children jumping into the car fuss free and the children making it inside the school gate before the first bell has sounded

The second doesn’t.

Just as an FYI, you should know that this post is an advertorial for Wet Ones. But all opinions expressed by the author are 100% authentic and written in her own words.

The second scenario finds me with any number of the following situations on any given morning:

– The kitty litter tray being helpfully placed at the foot of my bed during the night by my 6yo who just wants the kitten to be “able to find the toilet when she’s sleepy” Then, me not seeing said kitty litter tray in my early morning fog, planting my entire bare foot into it.

– The entire contents of a 3L Milk being poured “accidentally” on and around the kitchen floor when the 6yo (again helpfully) tries to make himself his own Weetbix when I am on the toilet

– What appears to be an entire tube of toothpaste emptied into the sink and onto the boy’s school shirts

– Finding an unidentifiable crusty brown substance on my crisp white work collar that wasn’t there when I initially put it on.

– Cat vomit on the carpet

– Cat poo on the carpet

– What can only be described as green slime on my handbag that is only discovered as I jump into the driver’s seat.


– Two very dirty Milo faces peering back at me when I finally get into the car and look in the rear view mirror.

And as is sods law, the second scenario is what I find myself experiencing when I have to be somewhere very important at a particular time. Can I even begin to tell you how mortifying it is to have a client “helpfully” remove mashed banana from your hair for you?

I have learnt a few things over the last 13 or so year though. Number one is be prepared for anything. Always have Wet Ones on hand and believe me, your children will NEVER grow too old for these. Even when they are entirely self-sufficient, I can guarantee you’ll be the first one they come to when  they put their hands in something ‘sticky’ on the train.

Number two is to not let the unfortunate series of events of the morning break you. Sure, some mornings when I’m getting kids ready for school I’ve felt like cracking the mother of all tantrums and lying flat on the lounge room floor, kicking and screaming but instead I’ve learnt to take a deep breath, clean up and move on. Oh and to have a prefilled late note always on hand.

For your chance to win a $250 hamper, upload a picture in the comments of a messy situation where you’ve needed Wet Ones. For more information head to this page.

Wet Ones is the original and number 1 brand of portable hand wipes that you can trust to provide a quick and easy clean-up for your family. With Wet Ones, you can control messy situations wherever you are and be sure that they will keep your hands clean and germ-free.

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What are you waiting for? For your chance to win a $250 hamper, upload your picture or send it to and we’ll add it to our gallery.

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