
The parenting advice that the experts will never give you.

Wise (and hilarious) words from ‘real’ parents.

There is stuff we do that just works right? It works for our kids, but might not necessarily fit in with the modern do-everything-by-the-book styles of parenting we tend to try and conform to.

A recent Reddit thread was filled with some of the crazy parenting lengths we go to – and we thought we’d share a few, because hey – they might just work!

1.YouTube ‘em.

If your child won’t do what you say tell them, you will film them and put them on YouTube.

Wife: “Get down from there before you fall!”

Son “I won’t fall.”

Dad: “I’m going to get the camera so I can laugh at him falling all over again in a few days.”

Son: “I’m getting down!”

2. Get a police siren.

“I got tired of my son sleeping on the couch, he’s 4 years old and I have tried everything from flipping all the furniture over in the living room at night so he had no choice but to go to his bed, at my last wits end I put a police siren soundboard on my phone and rang it at night when he wasn’t in bed…. told him they were coming to get him for not sleeping in his bed.”

There is no arguing with a siren.

3. Google the bad guys.

“I had a friend who wanted to stop her child picking at a scab on his face. So she googled up a picture of Freddy Krueger.”

4. Tell them you will take their legs away.

“My knee-jerk reaction is to say I'll take something away. So when my then 2 1/2 year old was sitting in a shopping cart kicking me, I asked him to stop twice before I said "Stop kicking me or I'll take your legs away."


He told me I couldn't take his legs away. I convinced him they pop off like Legos.”

5. Problem: They won’t get out of the bath.

Solution: Releasing the drain works for me every time. The kid is terrified of the water spiral of doom, lest it sweep her down into its dark, watery depths.

Nooooo not the spiral of doom!

6. Won’t get into the bath?

“My son, who's now 18, went through a phase around 13 where he wouldn't shower. I tried everything before resorting to printing up pics of flesh-eating virus victims and showing them to him. I told him that's what happens when you don't keep yourself clean. It worked.’

7. Showing pics works, folks.

“I actually did something similar to this when my daughter eats and eats then she'll lay on the floor crying that she's starving to death, so I googled starving Ethiopians and told her she didn't know the true meaning of starving to death.”

8. Tantrum solver?

When my kids were in meltdown mode doing the screaming and crying thing, I would scream and "cry" louder. Sure, they looked at me like I was insane, but it shut them up.

9. I’m bored.

“In our house, "I'm bored!" was greeted with, "Great! I've got chores for you to do!" ;-) They learned pretty darn quick to entertain themselves.”

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5 things you're not allowed to do now that you're a mum.

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