Because, not everyone thinks your chubby-cheek kid’s potty training is as wonderful as you.
I was at a mixed picnic this past weekend. And by mixed, I mean that there were people at said picnic both with kids and without. (Although admittedly the number of guests without kids was small, as we parents know how hard it is to get our childfree friends to give up a weekend day to come hang out with our children.)
I was standing in a group of women explaining to them why my son was acting a bit erratic when I uttered the words, “We missed our nap today.”
I cringed as soon as the words came out of my mouth, and I saw a nice young woman (sans children) flinch instinctively.
When we become parents, our lives are so incredibly altered by these amazing little creatures that we often forget that everyone around us isn’t as dazzled, in love, impressed, or infatuated with our children.
And thus, for my own future reference, I have decided to put together a list of things that I vow to avoid saying or doing in the presence of my friends without kids.
Do not take offense if you have committed any of these crimes. I have, as well. Plenty of times. But I am trying to be more conscious of my grievances so my friends will still want to hang out with me.
1. As above, the use of “we” in situations where “we” aren’t doing anything.