
6 things to NOT do in front of friends without kids.

Because, not everyone thinks your chubby-cheek kid’s potty training is as wonderful as you.

I was at a mixed picnic this past weekend. And by mixed, I mean that there were people at said picnic both with kids and without. (Although admittedly the number of guests without kids was small, as we parents know how hard it is to get our childfree friends to give up a weekend day to come hang out with our children.)

I was standing in a group of women explaining to them why my son was acting a bit erratic when I uttered the words, “We missed our nap today.”

I cringed as soon as the words came out of my mouth, and I saw a nice young woman (sans children) flinch instinctively.


When we become parents, our lives are so incredibly altered by these amazing little creatures that we often forget that everyone around us isn’t as dazzled, in love, impressed, or infatuated with our children.

And thus, for my own future reference, I have decided to put together a list of things that I vow to avoid saying or doing in the presence of my friends without kids.

Do not take offense if you have committed any of these crimes. I have, as well. Plenty of times. But I am trying to be more conscious of my grievances so my friends will still want to hang out with me.

1. As above, the use of “we” in situations where “we” aren’t doing anything.


Examples of this would be, “We are potty training,” “We haven’t napped,” “We are teething,” “We are pregnant.”

No. No. No. And no.

Say it to your fellow mummy and daddy friends and they will nod in agreement (when a baby is teething, the whole house feels the pain!). But unless in fact you and your husband and your baby all have new molars about to erupt through each of your gums, “the baby is teething” will suffice.

Just remember, some people might desperately want children.

2. "We are trying."

While this time it is completely appropriate to use the word "we," unless you are specifically asked, or it is a very close friend or relation, it is not appropriate to volunteer this information.

What your friends without kids hear when you say this is, "My husband and I, who you probably like to think about having sex about as much as you like to think about your own parents having sex, are currently having a whole lot of sex."

A Facebook friend recently left a status update that sums it up as follows: "Oh, I'd love to hear about how you're trying for a baby," said not one person ever.

3. Any updates, details, posts on Facebook (pictures especially!) of your child's potty training progress.

Look, I know you're proud. When you no longer have to change nappies a gazillion times a day, you want to run around and shout it from the rooftops. And little Bobby or little Janie look so cute reading their board books or playing their iPads sitting on the potty.


Resist. The. Urge.

While I understand that there are some things kids do that are cute that aren't cute when adults do them, poop is poop is poop. That is all.


4. Asking people when/if they plan to have kids. 

This one is more serious. In my own life I know some people who have gone through very difficult and very serious struggles trying to get pregnant. Being asked when you are going to have a baby for the tenth time right after you have experienced a miscarriage only compounds the pain of that miscarriage.

It's not your fault that you didn't know, but unless you are very close with the person, leave it alone. If she wants to tell you, she will.

5. Anything along the lines of, "Oh man, you're so lucky you have time to [insert activity of choice here - read, sleep, comb your hair, etc.]."

Again, maybe the person desperately wants children and is struggling and might not be comforted by the fact that she still has "me" time. Or maybe she's just a really busy person, with a demanding job, bills to pay, endless responsibilities, a dog, a cat, a goldfish, etc. Either way, unless she brings up her endless free time, it's probably best not to make any assumptions.

Not everyone thinks your child is as cute as you do.

6. "I didn't really understand what life was all about until little [Sophie, Jacob, Ollie, Betsy] was born." 

Yes, becoming a parent might be the most profound thing to ever happen in your life. It gives you a sense of purpose and meaning that maybe you didn't realise before.

But not every life requires the same purpose and the same meaning. Your friend might derive pleasure, happiness, meaning, nirvana, etc. following a passion of hers. And it's pretty offensive to imply that unless you have children, your life doesn't have the same value.

OK, admittedly some of the above is silly, and who really cares if you say "we are teething" instead of "he is teething"? The main point is to try to be sensitive. Additionally, when your friend has given up a Saturday afternoon to drive out to the 'burbs and hang out with a bunch of people who are constantly interrupted and distracted by their children, the least you can do is give her a drink and spare her the gruesome details of parenting. That is, if you want her to come back!

Do you have any to add to the list?

This post originally appeared here and is republished with full permission.

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