
This paralympian is better than everyone at Halloween

This might just be the best Halloween costume we've ever seen. Take a long, slow look because it takes a moment to process what you are seeing. It's American paralypian Josh Sundquist in a flamingo costume.  He's inverted his body for the shot so his leg looks just like the long neck and curved bill and head of the bird.

Josh was diagnosed with bone cancer at age 9 and given a 50 percent chance of survival. He underwent chemotherapy and lost his leg, but went on to become the only athlete in history to be named to both the US Paralympic Ski Team and the Amputee Soccer Team.

And every October he does something ultra-cool - dresses up in amazing Halloween costumes.

“Literally all year I’ve been looking at shapes and thinking, ‘What is a shape that I can make with my body that other people can’t?’” Sundquist told The New York Daily News. “When you spend all day on crutches, you have the strength to do seemingly weird things that look harder and more dangerous than they are. But I wouldn’t recommend trying this at home.”

“Being an amputee is not awesome. It kind of sucks and it’s annoying,” he added. “But if I’m stuck having one leg, I might as well make the best of it, to the extent that I can. I really hope it makes people laugh. And that it helps them find a bright side in whatever struggles they’re having with their life and their bodies.”

In 2010, Josh made his debut as a Halloween champion by dressing as a half-eaten gingerbread man. In 2011, he was a pirate and in 2012, he lit up as the famous leg lamp from A Christmas Story.

Check out his previous efforts below ...


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