
A man made a tiny stack of pancakes for his kitten and the internet is losing its damn mind.

Before she left for the weekend, Kenzie Jones reminded her boyfriend (yet again) to make sure he fed the cat.

Chase Stout did and it’s made him Twitter-famous.

See, rather than tip some kibble into Mr Wilson’s bowl, the Iowa man decided to whip up a stack of tiny pancakes for his furry little friend.

What he created was probably the most adorable plate of food you are ever likely to see in your entire life.

Image: Twitter - Chase Stout.

“I made them just like I did mine, just with smaller dips of batter,” Stout told Buzzfeed. “Obviously I had a stack of three so my man Wilson had to have a stack of three as well.”

But did Mr Wilson approve of the morning's special?

“He seemed to, but just like any kitten, his attention span quickly changed his interest onto something else,” Stout said.

The people of Twitter certainly approved.

Since Stout posted the above pics on Monday, his status has been re-tweeted over 36,000 times and had 69,000 likes, with hundreds of comments declaring Stout to be #boyfriendgoals.

As for Jones, she is a little blown away that her boys have gone viral. I mean, she left them alone for one weekend...

“She thinks it’s crazy how much attention it has gotten,” Stout told Buzzfeed. “We just always tell Wilson ‘he’s famous now.’”

N.B. Don't worry. Despite the text message he shared above, Stout didn't actually put any chocolate chips (which are toxic to kitties) in Mr Wilson's breakfast.

Hmmm... Mr Wilson's breakfast. Be right back. Off to write a children's book.

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