
This viral packing hack is slightly unhinged but it's the only one we'll be using from now on.

True Virgos will understand that the feeling of complete euphoria which comes from being organised is unmatched. When it comes to packing for a holiday, we're firmly on the end of the spectrum that makes lists, checks them twice and has all bags packed at the ready two weeks out from departure.

On the other end of the spectrum you've got the absolute free-spirit wildlings (most likely Sagittarius; no shade) who pack the night before a holiday — or — the day off *GASP*.

If you identify as the latter and have often scolded yourself after forgetting necessities like a toothbrush, underwear and, ahem your passport, then perhaps it's time to bring some rule and order into your holiday routine.

And boy, have we found the perfect way to do it.

Introducing Luke Scarpino, a TikTok user who has quickly entered god-tier status for those with a penchant for being organised thanks to his, dare we say, truly stunning packing template.

Luke Scarpino. Image: TikTok/@luke.scarpino


Luke innocently posted a video to his account and some 10.9 million views later, it's clear his impressive packing spreadsheet content has found a welcome audience. In the video he begins by saying, "Everyone makes fun of me for how I pack, but I think I'm just organised. Let me show you and see what you think."

He then walks us through his god-tier Excel spreadsheet template, which lists out all of the items he needs to pack in one column, the corresponding bag they will need to be packed into in another, and finally a checklist function to tick once he has put that item in its corresponding bag.

Image: TikTok/@luke.scarpino


There's also a 'bag view' section which lets him know what percentage of his packing has been completed as he makes his way through the itemised list.

It's honestly a thing of beauty.

"I don't know, am I weird for this?" Luke says at the end of the video, and no, Spreadsheet King — you are definitely not weird for single-handedly creating possibly the most valuable tool in packing history.

Watch: Man goes viral with travel packing template. Story continues below.

Video via TikTok.

And look, don't just take our word for it — the people have spoken and they're obsessed with this level of organisation.

"This is so extra and over the top… where can I download it immediately?" asked one user.

"Those who make fun of you are the ones saying 'do you have toothpaste, I didn't pack one,'" wrote another.

"This just gave me a huge hit of dopamine," wrote another TikTok fan.

He's even caught the attention of some pretty big name companies and we reckon he'll have quite a few job offers in his DMs after going viral with this video.

"Is it normal? No. Is it the most beautiful thing we've ever seen? Yes," wrote TripAdvisor.

"We have no choice but to stan," said

"Nothing gets left behind," wrote Expedia.

"Normal? Maybe not... but we need that link asap to help us pack for our next stay," said the Hilton. As in, the Hilton hotel empire!!!!

But probably the most impressive kudos at all came from Google. Yes, the Google.

"It's so beautiful," read their comment on TikTok.

Image: TikTok/@luke.scarpino


If that isn't the highest praise an extremely devoted Excel freak can get, we don't know what is.

Now, if this template has got you all excited the good news is we're the same kind of weird AND you can get your hot little hands on it to help you prepare for your next vacation. Luke is a smart cookie though, so of course he's monetising his viral spreadsheet — you're going to have to fork out some cash for the privilege. (But worth it, we say.)

He's also taken things one step further, announcing he is developing an app. Stay tuned, Virgos — life is about the get even more organised.

Feature Image: Getty.

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