
We chat to OzHarvest founder Ronni Kahn.

Dairy Australia
Thanks to our brand partner, Dairy Australia

Mamamia has teamed up with Dairy Australia to bring you our ‘Legendairy Hero’ series – a three-part video series celebrating ordinary Australians doing extraordinary things.

Meet Ronni Kahn. Founder and CEO of OzHarvest, a charity that rescues unpurchased and uneaten food, Ronni’s vision for a happier, healthier future of food security has touched thousands.

It all started with a thought:

“I knew there was surplus food and I knew that there were people in need, so I thought ‘how amazing if I could connect those two.’”

More than 48 million meals later, lovingly sourced and produced by countless volunteers, OzHarvest has certainly done just that.

For her commitment to nourishing the poor of Australia, we’re proud to call Ronni a Legendairy Hero.


How do you consciously stop wasting food?


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