
Awesomesauce. Oxford Dictionary has FINALLY recognised the words we so need.


What the hell is a Barmaid’s Blush though?

It’s happened. It’s finally happened.

We can now officially use ‘mic drop‘ and not be corrected by The Man because have officially added it to the dictionary.

It’s a huge leap forward for people making really fucking good points everywhere.

In more good news, the has also included other additions to their informal language database that are awesomesauce (yes ‘awesomesauce’ is one of them, just TRY and correct me The Man).

The term for those men that spread their legs wide on seats, ‘Manspreading’ made the cut. Deservedly.

And there were also some important abbrevs too.

As we have never heard of many of these, we can only assume they are the terms the youth of today are using:

– bants (short for banter)
– NBD (no big deal)
– Rly (really)
– SJW (social justice warrior, actually it’s pretty great if the kids are using this term)

Although the Oxford Dictionary is based in the UK, they generously threw us Australians a bone by adding some of our most used informal terms.

Only, and maybe it’s just us, we have literally never heard of any of them (except for Anzac biscuit which we are SHOCKED wasn’t included earlier).

Apparently, we are using the terms ‘barmaid’s blush’, ‘battered sav’ and ‘lolly cake’ frequently enough for them to be included in the Australian section of

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ did get back on track quickly though with notable additions like brain fart, bitch face, bruh, butthurt, fur baby, MacGyver, mkay and rando.

And now, as it’s ‘beer o’clock’ (also included in the new additions) and we are pretty ‘hangry’ (included), we’re off to find some ‘snackable’ (yep) ‘cakeage’ (delicious, and included in new additions).

How’s that for integrating our new terms seamlessly into conversation?

Mic drop.

h/t Cosmopolitan

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