
8 instant ways to stop your outfit ageing you, according to The Style Insider.

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If someone told me today at 57 I should dress my age, I'd struggle to not be offended. 

Having spent my hey days rocking out to Madonna and moon-walking with Michael Jackson, us Gen-Xers will never be told what we can and can't do. 

We've grown up breaking and remaking the rules so we're hardly going to bow to the fashion police now right? 

Well, here's the tea. Whether we like it or not the clothes we wear can make us look older than our years.

While I truly believe that style should be more about listening to your inner fashionista and less about obeying outdated fashion rules, there are a few fashion "guidelines" worth noting to ensure your style stays modern, polished and interesting.

Watch: What the Mamamia team are wearing. Post continues below.

Video via Mamamia.

#1 Find new labels to love. 

We all have our favourite places to shop and while change is often scary, fashion should grow with you and not hold you back. 

If you're still shopping the same brands you have for the past 10 years it's likely you haven't evolved your style. You may be stuck in a style rut and dare I say, look outdated. 

How to fix it: Get out of your comfort zone and visit some stores you've never shopped before. You may be surprised at what you find. 

#2 Be open to new looks.

It's easy to have pre-conceived ideas of what suits us and what "works" for us but this rinse-and-repeat idea of dressing can be limiting and prevent us from exploring new styles and creating exciting new outfits.

How to fix it: Head on over to Pinterest and search street style looks to collate a selection of new outfits you find inspiring. 

Don't focus on your "fantasy self" – you know the version of yourself you would like to be but aren't? Focus on the real you and pin looks that will work for you and your "real" lifestyle. 

#3 Use illusion dressing to create better outfits.

The clothes we wear have the power to make us look any way we want. 

Whether we want to look younger, taller, smaller or heck even wiser, we can do that with our fashion choices. The best tip when it comes to illusion dressing is to remember the eye will always be drawn to where an outfit finishes on your body. 

So, if you want to minimise your hips then be sure not to wear a top that finishes smack back on your hips. It's like a neon sign that screams, "look here". Instead, be sure your tops fall just above or just below your hips. If it's scooped at the sides it will also give the illusion of lengthening your legs – bonus! 

The same applies to pants. Mid-calf capris will exaggerate the size of your calves. To minimise them simply choose a three-quarter pant or a below-the-knee Bermuda short. 

#4 The devil is in the detail. 

Fashion accessories, makeup and hairstyles may seem like small things to focus on, but they actually have the power to make or break an outfit. 

Accessories are also arguably the most cost-effective way to give some of your tried-and-true outfits a bit of a modern makeover without breaking the bank. 

How to fix it: Take a look at some of your inspiration pics over on Pinterest to see what accessories are trending and then jump online and update your arsenal. If you already own some of these pieces bring them out of hibernation and start wearing them again. 

#5 Use colour. 

Colour becomes important as we get older and our skin colour changes. Be prepared to experiment with new colours that you haven't worn in the past and pass on some of the colours you've relied on. 

Pastel colours can make you look a little "mature" and can often look a little too predictable. 

How to fix it: Experiment with some bold colours to give your outfits a chance to really shine. After all, who wants to be invisible? And a good face bronzer will always be your best friend.

#6 Find your muse. 

Sometimes pushing the boundaries is easier if you let someone else pave the way. That's why it's helpful to find a fashion muse and simply steal her style. I mean, who's got time to reinvent the wheel? 

How to fix it: Scroll Instagram or Pinterest and you'll start seeing the same faces pop up. The accounts or influencers who resonate with your style are ripe for the picking. Take a good look at what you like about what they are wearing and head into your wardrobe and recreate some of their best looks. 

#7 A little spade work goes a long way. 

Rome wasn't built in a day and neither are great outfits.

Don't forget to invest a little time in your wardrobe mixing and matching some of your pieces and creating some looks to love. We may all be time-poor but invest a little time "playing" now and you'll reap the rewards when you have a handful of modern outfits you can wheel out at a moment's notice. 

How to fix it: Grab your Pinterest mood board and set aside some time over a weekend and try on different combinations of the clothes you already own. You may be surprised at what you create. 

#8 Manage your mindset. 

Confidence is all in the mind so don't forget to permit yourself to step out in style. Yes, you! 

Regardless of your age, you can make a style statement and wear what makes you look and feel great. Don't relegate yourself to the shadows – you've earned the right to be noticed and to celebrate the fact that growing old truly is a privilege.

Feature Image: Instagram.

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