
Open Post: What's on your mind?

Mia Freedman






I went to Tasmania last weekend. To see MONA – the Museum of Old and New Art.

So amazing. Can’t find the words really, except that I saw everything from a Picasso to a poo-making machine.

A trip. Make it if you can.

What else this week? I cut myself a bit of a fringe. This will please the dedicated handful of commenters who have been asking me in varying degrees of politeness to do this ever since I started Mamamia.

Their demands get the silver medal for Unsolicited Personal Advice Given To Me, second only to the person who is determined I ‘fess up to having fake teeth.

Win some, lose some. I’m aware you can’t see the fringe in this photo. That’s because I have cowlicks that would put an actual cow to shame.  A few things that people have asked about recently that I wanted to mention…..

Yes, we’ve had some tech issues that have been frustrating for you and excrutiating for us. We’re so so sorry. Please understand that we are a small team and we don’t have huge departments of IT support. As the site grows – the number of comments have doubled this year and traffic has taken a sharp jump too – we face greater challenges managing that growth.

We’re investing in all sorts of tech things that I don’t want to bore you with (please don’t insist I bore you because I’m trying to avoid saying that I don’t actually understand them and couldn’t explain them even if you offered me Ryan Gosling dipped in chocolate).

Writer, Lucy, is away in New York for a couple of weeks and we are being ably assisted by some kick-arse interns who are trying to pretend they’re not shocked by how much I swear in real life. Not AT people. God no. Just, you know, adjectivally.

Here’s what’s been going on around the MM offices and in social media this week:

So that’s it from me. What’s going on in your world?









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