Open post is where you get to tell us everything that’s going on in your world this week. After Mamamia Intern Alison fills you in about hers, obviously…
For those of you who haven’t been here before, Open Post is one of Mamamia’s most loved posts. It’s the one that goes up every Wednesday morning (sometimes almost at midday *ahem*) where we talk about everything that’s happened in our week.
So I’ll kick off.
As of right now I have been working at Mamamia as their newest intern for exactly 7 days, 2 hours, 42 minutes and 13 seconds, and I have loved every single minute of it. Imagine walking into the work place of your dreams and then times that feeling by a thousand and that’s how I have felt coming to work every day this past week. Mamamia is seriously awesome. The people are inspiring, I get to write about stuff I care about and I am learning so much every day.
Me hard at work at Mamamia HQ
As a Melbournite, I have travelled far and wide to be here (not really, my plane ride was over before I could finish my episode of SVU). This is the second time I have been to Sydney and I can only sum up my relationship with Sydney town as a love-hate relationship. So here are my top loves and hates of Sydney…