So every so often at Mamamia, we run a thank you post.
We base it on a site called Thx Thx Thx, which is a website that was started by a US woman named Leah Dieterich. The website isn’t really running anymore but the premise is still awesome – it’s all about writing thank you notes to the people and the things you’re grateful for.
According to the website: “There’s always something to be thankful for. From the important things like Songs You’re Embarrassed to Like, and Heavy Eyelids that Tell You When You Need to Sleep, to friends and family, love and loneliness, light and darkness, Leah Dieterich sets out to acknowledge them all.”
Here’s an idea of what those thank you notes look like:
Today, we thought it was a good day to bring this post back.
So, we’re going to use this Open Post to say thank you. You may want to say thank you to a person, you may want to say it to a thing. It’s up to you.
Lucy’s going to share her thank you note first:
Dear lovely man at the Melbourne Airport Qantas counter,
Thank you for being so nice when I waltzed up to you on Monday morning and told you that I missed my flight for no reason other than my own stupidity.
If you were judging me, you didn’t make it obvious. And rather than hit me will a fee that was equivalent to my high level of embarrassment, you charged me only a little and put me on the next flight to Sydney.
Quite frankly, you’re a legend.
Lucy xxx
Your turn now. Who do you have to thank today? Write your thank you notes below.
This thank you post is sponsored by Post-it Super Sticky Notes. As we gather your thank-yous during the day, we’ll be creating a gallery of the messages of our own on Post-it Notes.