
Open Post: What's going on in your world?






Happy Wednesday, MM-ers, and welcome to Open Post.

For those of you who are new around these ‘ere parts, Open Post is a weekly forum where everything is open for discussion.

Tell us about your week, tell us about your new favourite television show, or tell us about how much you hate public transport. (For the record, I love the public transport in Sydney. It’s not normal, I know.)

I don’t have anything I’m itching to talk about this week (except for a high school in the US banning leggings as pants), so I’m going to keep it short and sweet, and use this space to draw attention to the fact that today is Purple Day – a time to raise awareness and funds for those living with epilepsy.

According to the World Health Organisation, epilepsy is the world’s most common serious brain disorder, and nearly 800,000 people in Australia will be diagnosed with epilepsy at some stage in life.

On top of that, approximately 25,000 Australians are diagnosed with epilepsy each year.

Epilepsy can have serious social, physical and psychological consequences, and tragically is associated with an increased risk of death.

We have a beautiful post about a mother’s journey with her epileptic son in our Mamamia Cares section today, which I recommend you read if you’d like to understand more about what it’s like to live with this condition.

To find out more about Purple Day, you can visit Epilepsy Action Australia here.

And on a completely different note…

What’s going on in your world this week?  

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