
Open post of the week: parties, princesses and more

5 out of 6 members of the editorial team. Hi!

Welcome to Open post, where you can kick back to hear about what’s been going on at Mamamia this week and share anything that’s on YOUR mind in the comments. Anything at all.


I’m celebrating the start of summer with a cold which is apt because it IS cold. Bloody freezing in fact. Winter, please piss off. You’ve had your turn. On Saturday, it was my daughter’s birthday party and we had 25 x 5 year olds descend on our house. Home parties are always a gamble and seem to be less popular these days. I know why. The fear that built during the week was palpable as I scanned the weather reports for reassurance.

It came.

Saturday was a freakishly normal (ie: not rainy and freezing) Sydney day and the party went well. I always think that Kids Party Time is like dog years – every minute lasts at least half an hour. AT LEAST.

I was trashed by the end of it. Trashed I tell you. The last child was collected at 2:30 and at 2:45 I had an appointment to get my hair coloured (balayage). I fell asleep in the basin. Twice. And I wasn’t even getting a head massage at the time.


Coco’s party meant I missed the Marriage Equality rally which I was really disappointed about. Waving the flag for Mamamia was Rick and Lucy who proudly marched through the streets to the ALP conference along with 10,000 others. Lucy said that Rick was like a celebrity – people kept saying “OMG – are you RICK?”

In the office, we have had some lovely visitors which you can see in the gallery along with everything else that caught the attention of whoever had the camera:


Twitter followers might remember that a few weeks ago I made a fairly lame attempt at splitting the twitter accounts. Prematurely it would seem because I didn’t quite know what to do with the two accounts and kind of abandoned the idea. I’m committed like that.



Last week Twitter freed up the @mamamia twitter handle (name) for us. We’d been in talks with them for a while to get that account and now that we have it, it seemed like the right time to give the whole thing another whirl. So I changed my personal account over to @mamamia which you can follow HERE (if you were following @miafreedman before, you’re now following @mamamia). This account is going to be tweeted by me and the MM editorial team (Lana, Rick, Lucy, Nat & Bec) to keep you up to date with everything that’s going on with the site. It’s our offical twitter feed.

I’ve started a NEW account called @miafreedman (if you were following that name before, you’ll have to go HERE to follow it again). This will be my personal account and who knows what I shall tweet from it but it will be enormous amounts of fun to find out.


I’m so glad.

Of course, if Twitter is not your thing, you can be our friend on Facebook because really, Mamamia wants to be wherever you are. It’s a fundamental part of our plan to take over the world. Watch your back China.


Mamamia isn’t quite a democracy but I am often over-ruled. I thought these images were a bit meh but everyone else loved them. Maybe I’m just bah-humbug about Disney Princesses and magazine covers so the combination of the two was never going to rock my world. You?

Thanks to petitetiaras for the images.

How’s your week going? What’s on your mind?

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