
Open post of the week (Jan 25)

Can someone make me a cup of tea and find some Panadol? It’s been an intense week. I had shocking PMT and my baby started preschool. And if you listen very carefully, you should be able to hear the last little remnants of holiday buzz ebbing away into silence. Except it’s not silence. It’s the tapping away of computer keys and email alerts and people wailing ‘God, I’m stressed”.

Or is that just me?

I’m determined that won’t be me.

The news also broke last week of my move to News Ltd which provoked quite the flurry of commenty feistiness here and on social media. My response can be pretty much summed up by this tweet:







I’ve just filed my first column for this weekend – you can catch it on Sunday in The Sunday Telegraph in NSW, the Sunday Herald Sun in Victoria, The Sunday Mail in Queensland, the Sunday Mail in South Australia and The Sunday Times in Western Australia.

It’s also been an intense time for Hollywood couples. My feelings on that are summed up thus:







There have been some great things that have happened this week, though. Paula Joye from Lifestyled came in for her first day working as creative director of Mamamia Shopping – the ecommerce site we’ll be launching soon. She’s working in the office each Wednesday and we’re sharing an office and it’s just like old times when we worked in a small brown room at Cleo magazine with Wendy Squires and our lifelong friendship was hatched.


Very exciting to be working together again. Lucky us.

On Remy’s first day of preschool I was sitting there as he played with the playdough in front of his new teacher (who also taught my other kids – they went to the same pre-school). “What are you making?” I asked him. “A gun!” he announced proudly. “I’m writing that down” said his teacher Robert to me. He was joking. I think. Remy WAS wearing  a t-shirt that said “peace”. Ahem.

He got through the day fine. Me? I was exhausted. So emotionally drained. The night before, I’d been lying in bed with Coco discussing Remy’s first day at kindy. “Mum, I just don’t think he’s ready” she said earnestly. “Can we cancel?”

I think she was projecting. Her first day was much harder.

And because I was feeling nostalgic, I wore this coloured macaroni bracelet that my eldest made for me at the same kindy 10 years ago. I wear it often actually. I love it.



















Here are some other tweets I loved this week:


























And finally? Please let there be something interesting on the red carpet for the Oscars – but I’m not holding out much hope.

Here’s some of the pics from the awards season red carpets in case you’ve missed them.

And as always, here’s what we’ve been up to in the office…

What’s on your mind?

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