Are you sick? Are people in your house sick? I’m sick of sick. There aren’t many office tales or photos in this week’s post where I share a bit about what’s been going on behind the scenes at Mamamia and what else has been on my mind. Monday was my first day back in the office after a week of sickness at home – the two little ones have had that boomerang virus.
Started with fevers, then chesty coughs and every time I thought they were getting better…boom. Fever is back. Cough is worse. Then my daughter got croup on Friday night and we made yet another pilgrimage to the doctor on Saturday morning, the waiting room was packed with parents and little sick kids.
This winter is a nasty one. When our eldest got the flu a couple of weeks ago, Jason and I bolted to the doctor for flu jabs. Please God, let them hold……..
I’ve missed the office. Been trying to work from home but it’s not easy. At one point I tweeted: “Every time I try to work, someone vomits”. I usually have a nanny four days during the week but she was sick too. At times, our house has felt like something out of ER. Except without George Clooney dammit.
I have of course been grateful that nobody has been seriously ill. My thoughts are with everyone who is doing it far tougher. I’m also going to admit that my Florence Nightingale tendencies are seriously limited. At a certain point (OK, several certain points), I have just wanted to scream “I KNOW YOU DON’T FEEL WELL BUT WILL EVERYONE JUST HARDEN THE FUCK UP ALREADY”.