
Open post of the week

Welcome to this week’s open post where it’s all random. I tell you what’s been going on in the office and in my head and you comment about anything you like.

On my mind….

I’m really troubled by the behaviour of footy clubs over the proposed changes to poker machine legislation. With the opportunistic and misleading rush to call it a ‘footy tax’ and the outrage and indignation expressed by many in the AFL and NRL that their clubs will face collapse if this new legislation (designed to protect problem gamblers from themselves facing financial ruin) is passed, what about this: the admission that 40% of their revenue comes from problem gamblers.

That, to me, is shocking. Footy clubs are making money from people who are ruining their lives and the lives of their families? Where is the morality in that?

As‘s editor David Penberthy wrote so brilliantly in The Punch yesterday:

One would hope that respected chief executives with the business acumen of David Gallop and Andrew Demetriou could find a way to monetise codes which are watched during the season by some 14 million Australians every week, and command combined TV rights in excess of $2 billion, without arguing that the continued enslavement of poker machine addicts is central to their business model.

He also went on to point out the disturbing role of former Victorian Premier Jeff Kennett, who in addition to being president of the AFL club Hawthorn was also the inaugural chairman and a director of mental health organisation Beyond Blue.

“Reading Kennett’s hysterical comments yesterday about how the AFL faces collapse because of the gaming reforms, I found myself reflecting on a conversation I had over the weekend about an old family friend, a policeman. It turns out that he had died tragically at his own hand. He had become addicted to the pokies and was so deeply in debt that he stole some money. Knowing he would lose his job as a policeman, he threw himself in front of a train.

As one of the founders of an organisation which has done so much to destigmatise mental illness, Kennett of all people should be aware of the links between problem gambling and depression. Problem gambling enjoys an especially evil symbiotic relationship with mental illness, being both a cause and a symptom of depression.

If Jeff Kennett isn’t interested in the work of a bunch of external academics he could at least have a look at his own website,, which provides a sadly illuminating four-page fact sheet about the link between mental illness and gambling addiction”

If poker machines and problem gamblers are the foundation of the business model for footy clubs? I think they need to get a new one pretty damn fast.

This week’s Mamamia on Sky News, Fri 9:15pm

On the show this week are Jacinta Tynan, Lisa Hensley, Jason Stevens and Anthony Sharwood.

From left: Jacinta Tynan, Lisa Hensley, Jason Stevens and Anthony Sharwood.








Also appearing on the show will be Julia Baird and Stella Young – check back Friday for the show post with full interviews and everything else.


Here’s a shot of backstage at last week’s show with Kristina Keneally, Simon Thompson, Sam de Brito and Btttina Arndt…

You can watch that show in full below (you sooo should – I think it’s our best one yet):




The nailpolish colour of the week:

We’ve all become a little bit obsessed with Mecca nail polish and here in the MM office. Who would have thought charcoal would be a colour we’d be painting our nails. But somehow, it works. Sharing is caring – Nat and Lucy both currently have the same colour on their nails. You can buy Mecca at their online store here.























The album burning a hole in my playlist:

I’m currently obsessed with Gotye – especially now that I’ve discovered you pronounce in like “Got-ya” rather than “Goy-ter” which I was doing for quite some time.

Making Mirrors















And here’s my favourite song, currently playing on repeat in the office…

The book on my list to read next:




















Click! Problogger has launched an e-book with Rachel Devine to teach you how to take brilliant photos of your kids without the hassle – you can buy it for download it here.


My favourite interview of the week:

If you missed the full interview I did with actress Mandy Bishop who plays Julia Gillard in At Home With Julia, take a minute to watch it here. It’s amazing to watch her slip in and out of character…..


The very cool art project:

Photographer Irina Werning started this ‘Back to the Future’ project – she invited people to go back to their past and took photos of the results. Check it out.

What’s on your mind this week?


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