
Open Post: What's happening in your world?


Hello lovely MM readers and welcome to another week’s Open Post. The year is winding down, and if you’re looking for a place to vent, share or offer up advice to others– this is certainly the place to be.

Recently I was invited to a Katy Perry concert with a few other lovely ladies who work in the media. I was a bit nervous at first, not knowing any of the other invitees. But I let go of my inhibitions, danced through the entire concert, and ended up having the BEST NIGHT with them all.

Usually introverted me was a bit chuffed.

First we all went to the Ground of Alexandria and ate lots of cheese and crackers, and drank cocktails out of giant watermelons. It was my first time there (I know, I know), and I can now officially say the hype is totally warranted.

Next we arrived at the Arena only to hear all the Kitty Purry glow-in-the-dark concert ears had been sold out. Obviously we then ordered wine to console ourselves.

We then found this seriously terrifying Katy Perry mask under our seats. This face now haunts my dreams.


Basically the show consisted of all my favourite things: balloons, giant floating poop emojis, dancing cats and unadulterated pop hit after pop hit.

I was reminded of why it can be really good to get out of your comfort zone, mingle and let your hair down every once in a while. I think changing my attitude to be more spontaneous and less hesitant will be my New Year’s Resolution for sure. I’m going to allow this experience to set the tone as I go into various Christmas celebrations over the next week or so. Hopefully this is one ‘resolution’ I actually stick to!

Have a great holiday season everyone. The team and I look forward to reading all about what you get up to, and seeing you nice and refreshed for another epic year in 2015.

Aparna attended Katy Perry’s concert as a guest of Visit California.

Over to you now. What’s going on in your world? What are your plans for Christmas? Let us know below…

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