
Open Post: Come meet our new Editor, Holly Wainwright.


Hand-over: Jamila with Holly.






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It’s been a pretty big week at Mamamia so far. On Monday, our Editor-in-Chief and the former Editor of Mamamia Jamila Rizvi announced that Holly Wainwright would be taking over as Editor of Mamamia.

Holly was previously Editor of the Mamamia Network’s parenting website iVillage and before that worked in magazines. most recently as Deputy Editor of OK! Magazine. She is mum to Matilda, 4 and Billy, 2, and partner to Brent (age not disclosed).

We’re pretty damn fond of Holly here. Not only is she lovely and smart – she’s also extremley funny and tells the best stories.

That’s why we thought it would be a great idea to ask Holly some questions so you can get to know her better. A bit of a Q&A if you will.

We’ll kick things off.

MM: Holly, describe yourself in 25 words or less

HOLLY: I’m a formerly Mancunian Sydneysider media junkie mother who loves  sunshine, people, food, wine, work, news, my family and a certain level of organised chaos.

MM: Before Mamamia – where were you?


Holly: I’ve worked in magazines for years. I started in entertainment and travel mags, moving into more mainstream titles. I’ve worked at Woman’s Day and OK! Magazine, among others, and I made the move to digital at the beginning of the year when I came to work as the Editor of iVillage. Best. Move. Ever.

MM: We are the only ones who can hear you here – but you have a bit of an accent where are you from originally? And how did you wind up in Australia?

Holly: I’m from Manchester, in the north of England. It’s the home of all really good British things – like The Smiths, cheese-and-onion pies, and Manchester United. But I left there when I was 19 to study journalism in London. As soon as I left, it became the coolest place in the universe for the rest of the 1990s. And then I left London and came to live in Sydney, and London became the coolest place in the universe. I am not cool. I came to Australia to backpack around for a year, loved the place so much that I then spent years finding a way to stay. I’ve now been officially Australian for 10 years, and it makes me feel horribly old to say it, but I’ve been here for almost 20.

MM: What are your main interests?

Holly: “I love media, and I am a broad snacker – I don’t discriminate between silly and serious. I am as likely to read celebrity gossip as I am a serious investigative political piece, which is why Mamamia is perfect for me. Mostly I just love hearing people’s stories, and am a big reader. Apart from that, my interests are being outside with my kids as much as humanly possible. I run. I eat. And my most favourite thing to do in the world is sit around outside talking and talking with people I like, maybe drinking a glass of wine, while the kids play around us. Oh. Is that bad?


MM: How old are your kids?

Holly: “Matilda’s four and a half. She starts school next year. Billy’s two and a bit. They are the best, craziest, most challenging and rewarding little people I’ve ever met. But I would say that.”

Now for our favourite part….four quick and fast questions. Don’t think, just answer….

Favourite book:  That’s too hard. But the best book I’ve read in the last few years would be A Visit From The Goon Squad by Jennifer Egan.

Favourite movie: Gone With The Wind. Sorry, it’s wildly inappropriate, but I watch it once a year and have a cry.

Favourite politician: Julia Gillard. The end.

Favourite feminist: My mum.

Holly will be checking in throughout the day to answer any questions you want to ask her.

Now it’s your turn – What’s been happening in your world?


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