
Open post: Holidays, engagements and births

I think it’s Wednesday – at least that’s what the calendar said but it could be Monday or Thursday or even Tuesday. Let’s just say that I am incredibly confused by all the holidays. Which reminds me that Mia is still away and once again I’m walking you through the Open Post..

The playing

Working from home over the last couple of weeks has been challenging – I am a woman of routine and order. Note my name backwards and try not to laugh.

But some days things just fall into place. Yesterday the weather was exceptional, I worked at my dining room table where I could watch my son and his friend in the pool. Their joy was palpable, I inhaled it. And it just made me feel so good, the work/life balance clicked into place – even if it was just for one day.  I’m extremely lucky to have such flexible working arrangements. There is so much that I learn from watching my son and one of the things that I really try to take on is  is the way that he interacts with his friends. He doesn’t just like them  – he LOVES them, he puts his every fibre into his play and his whole being is immeresed in what they are doing. It’s a joy and privilege to watch. I hope to transfer some of the devotion he shows to his friends to so many parts of my life this year.

The best of Mamamia 2011

A super sized gallery that highlights some of our favourite parts of the year

The engagement

The good news emerged yesterday that Zoe and Hamish have announced their engagement.  This was the image that accompanied Hamish’s tweet “Highlight of 2011? Proposing to @zotheysay! Couldn’t be happier. She LOVED the rock. And said yes by the way”

I think you would struggle to find anyone in Australia who doesn’t think this is the perfect pairing.  The thing about their relationship is that it’s not just the great joy that they obviously bring to each other but the light and love they shine on the world when they are together  (or even thinking about being together) . True love from within radiating outwards.  It’s an honour to have some of that light shining on all of us at Mamamia

The birth

Eric Yuzpe our Sales Director became a daddy for the second time just after Christmas when his amazing partner Lizzie gave birth to a beautiful and perfect baby girl – Marlo Bonham. Here’s Marlo with her big sister Kama

The song

I am obsessed with this song (and the candles in the video). I may or may not be cautiously embarrassed to let the world know this

What have you been up to? What’s on your mind?

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