
Open Post: Ask me about my week, go on. Because I went to Bali.

Welcome back to Mamamia’s Open Post, where we can all catch up about what’s going on in our life.

If you’re new here, here’s how it works. We tell you a story from our week, and then you tell us what’s happening in yours. 

I’ve got to warn you, though. This week’s open post may result in serious holiday envy.

Because I’ve just been to Bali. To a retreat. And had beauty treatments. Yes, it was as good as it sounds.

Related: 9 signs you really need a holiday.

I was staying at Nuala Retreats, which specialises in helping you get the rest and relaxation that your body needs. Varney Magill, who is the senior coordinator of the resort is also a former Byron Bay local, so visiting the resort is like a home away from home, only a million times better.

On arrival, Varney will make sure that you get onto a massage bed as soon as possible. In other words, she’s my kind of gal. After a few days of amazing in-house meals, traditional Balinese massages, meditation, yoga and acupuncture just to name a few, I felt the most relaxed I’d ever been since, hmmm, ever.

Nuala Retreats.

The staff at Nuala Retreats also make your stay so easy, you barely have to think. They will tailor a program for your stay, arrange all of your appointments, recommend the places to visit, and arrange transportation to and from the villa.

Now if my saying all of that causes dollar signs to flash before your eyes, hang on for a sec. Because visiting Nuala Retreats is actually surprisingly affordable and a fraction of the cost if you were to do the same thing at home. Which is why it is such a popular tourist destination, particularly for Aussies.

One of the delicious breakfast at Nuala.

Another reason to visit Bali is the amazing spa treatments. If you’ve ever had anything done at home, you would know they’re freaking expensive. A body scrub and facial later, you’re expected to cough up your first born child hundreds and hundreds of dollars which can make it hard to totally enjoy the experience.

You might also like: “I found out my skin’s actual age. And it shocked me.”

While I was there, I spent a lot of time at Cocoon Medical Spa.


The salt room.

They offer a range of treatments which range from skin and body, detox and wellness, to cosmetic. During my visits I did:

  1. Fat Blast

Let’s admit it, most of us have one area of our body that we are less than happy with. I’ll go first. For me it’s my thighs. The fat blast involves three sessions, each with an hour and a half duration. While I only had one of these treatments, within days I noticed a difference in the texture of my skin.

One session includes five therapies which target the area of concern. This includes fat cavitation, cellulite massage, radio frequency, and ultrasound followed by a body wrap in an infrared sauna.

The combination of these treatments target cellulite, improve the elasticity of your skin and reduce fat.

A treatment room.
  1. Colon Hydrotherapy

Don’t be scared. Colon hydrotherpay is a treatment which removes toxins from your digestive system and can help to restore its regular function. It’s kind of like a detox, except instant. See you later, copious amounts of lemon juice.


The treatment is performed by a registered nurse and it is generally suggested every six months to a year. After the treatment is complete the nurse will provide you with a range of drinks to further flush your digestive system, followed by some time in an infrared sauna.

The various treatment rooms at Cocoon.
  1. Eyelash Extensions

I was an eyelash extension virgin before this treatment. Even though my lashes are straighter than an ironing board and incredibly sparse, I didn’t see a need for them. But now I’m well and truly converted. The lashes were applied by Rin Sagisaka, owner of Rin Beauty Studio, who applies the extensions individually to each natural lash. It takes two hours to complete the full set but the time is well worth it. They look incredibly natural and last for four to six weeks. Hello, cow eyes.

Related: Bewdy: 7 ways to get longer eyelashes

One of the upstairs treatment rooms.

For weeks after my return I had friends and family constantly telling me how fresh and relaxed I looked. Trust me. This. Never. Happens. And it’s no surprise because life is frantic. And it won’t be slowing down any time soon.

So if you’re like I was and by that I mean in serious need of repairing your relationship with the inside of your eyelids, I suggest you jet off to Bali. There’ll never be a better time to stop and smell the frangipanis.

Valentina was a guest of Nuala Retreats and Cocoon Medical Spa during her stay in Bali.

Enough about me and my insane holiday. What’s happening in your world? 

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