
Open Post: How's your week going?


This is me!



Hi friends!

This is my very first open post and I’m pretty excited about it.

If you’re new here, welcome! This is our mid-week catch up where you, our readers, can tell us what’s been going on in your world. Feel free to rant, vent or brag about whatever you feel like. The floor is yours!

I’ll start us off.

I’m Caitlin and I’m one of Mamamia’s interns. It’s a pretty kick ass gig, if you ask me. Two weeks in Sydney. Two weeks spent getting to know the amazing Mamamia team. Two weeks spent writing about anything from Hillary Clinton to The Voice and everything in between. As my Mum keeps reminding me on our nightly phone calls (yes, it appears I’m still 12), I’m living the dream.

And I really am.

But alas, all good things must come to an end, and so too will this experience.

Excuse me while I tear up…

It took me a long time to navigate Sydney and I’m still having a lot of trouble. But as a way to lighten my sad mood, I’ve decided to share a few of the most memorable Sydney experiences I’ve had, in the hopes it might help other out-of-towners, or at least give Sydneysiders a laugh.


People will stop you in the street if you dress in colours.

As I was walking through the city yesterday, I was flagged down and asked if I was Swedish. “Is it my blonde hair?” I asked.
No, apparently no one in Sydney wears colours (except the Mamamia office) so I can’t possibly be from here.


I guess my multi-coloured shorts and electric blue jacket made me stand out a little bit too much. Oops.

Messina Gelato will change your life.

WHAT IS THIS AMAZING INVENTION? I almost gave a Sydney-born friend a heart attack when I told her I didn’t know what Messina Gelato was. Off we went to the closest store and I can honestly say I’m a better person because of it.

Whoever came up with the mouthwatering combination of salted caramel and white chocolate DESERVES TO BE KNIGHTED.

Don’t you dare follow the crowds in the train stations, because you will get lost.

I catch a bus and a train to get to the Mamamia office, and it took me six working days to get the hang of the confusing train stations. Here’s my piece of advice: Don’t assume the crowds are going the way you want to go, because you will get lost. It happened to… a friend of mine…

Okay, fine, it was me. But in my defence, Sydney train stations are very confusing.

Now it’s over to you! What’s been happening in your world?


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