To Michael Clarke,
My name is Jo and I have three children – two boys and one girl. I actually met you once, during the KFC Big Bash League at the SCG. It was such a lovely day and you were a true gentleman. We were very impressed and the kids were so happy to meet you.
I wasn’t much of a cricket fan but my children were always talking about it. Lots of the school friends play soccer during winter and cricket during summer and we bumped into some of them at the game. It was such a great day.
Cricket, to me, is a gentleman’s sport, one where I know my children can watch and see sportsmanship at its best. I’d been trying to steer them away from watching NRL because it was so violent and vicious. That was a big move for me as I’d followed NRL all my life but sitting there seeing punch ups and slurs while my children watched on wasn’t happening. Cricket was a much better choice for us.
I’d like to think that move wasn’t a mistake.
When you told England’s James Anderson to, “Get ready for a f@#king broken arm” you might have thought it was just ribbing, or sledging, but was it really necessary? To me, cricket just isn’t that kind of sport and Australian cricketers are above such behaviour. There was no need to say that out loud, while surrounded by cameras and microphones.