
A Sydney couple held an open home, and returned to find a disgusting surprise.


When you’ve got to go, you’ve got to go – not that that’s any consolation for Sydney couple Sarah McGilvray and James Couche.

The pair have listed their Balmain terrace on the market, and held an open inspection for it over the weekend.

All pretty standard stuff when you’re trying to sell your home.

But after returning home following the inspection, the couple noticed something was a little… off.

A Sydney couple returned home after an open inspection, to find a "smell" stinking up their house. Image:

McGilvray, who appears on Nova FM alongside Ryan "Fitzy" Fitzgerald and Michael "Wippa" Wipfli, detailed the incident on their breakfast radio show, saying she noticed a "smell that wasn’t right".

"We came back after the inspection and I was sitting with mum in the living room and I just couldn’t get my head around a smell that wasn’t right," she said, as reported by

"I thought, 'Are those flowers off? No, they’re brand new - what is that?' There was something a bit weird."

Upon further investigation, McGilvray's nose led her straight into the bathroom, also known as the scene of the crime.

"I went to the bathroom and there’s some footprints on the floor… but they didn’t just walk into the bathroom," she continued.

"They’ve taken their liberties with it… and used the facilities, shall we say."

Upon further inspection, they discovered a "mess" in the bathroom. Image:

McGilvray says she'd scrubbed the bathroom clean right before the open inspection, so she knows it definitely wasn't anyone in her family who had made the mess.

And while the offender had apparently tried to clean up after themselves, they failed miserably.

While McGilvray didn't go into detail about what horrors awaited her in her own bathroom, she did say it was "not a tinkle"... and we'll let your imagination take care of the rest of it.

As traumatising as all that was though, McGilvray says what really worries her is that prospective buyers would have been put off by the shocking mess.

"Anyone who came through afterwards would have thought it was us and that we don’t know how to clean up after ourselves," she added.

Look, we know Sydney's property prices are sh*t right now, but that's no excuse... Not cool, Sydney.

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