I find my role as a mum of boys a special one.
There is a magnet you can find at any good souvenir store that reads ‘mothers of sons work from son up till son down.’
As a mother of two boys I find it hilarious.
I find my role as a mum of two boys a very special one.
Despite my absolute hate of gender stereotyping, as a mother of two boys, I can honestly say there are just some things that are innately different between boys and girls.
This being the case it is, at times, a challenge to parent just boys.
Of course there is toilet training – what do you even do with THAT?
But there is so much more.
As a woman you are your son’s first female role.
And as that role model, I try so hard to be present in their lives and offer fulfilling experiences.
And in my almost seven years of being a mother, I’ve found certain activities fulfilling, not just for them but for me also.
Here’s a list of my favourite things to do with my boys.
I hate jokes about women’s place being in the kitchen. My partner is a fantastic cook and I love teaching my boys their way around a kitchen. I am so impressed when my kids rattle off the ingredients in cakes and cookies and proudly show people their creations.
2. Reading.
I tried so hard when they were young to read chapter books to my kids. They just weren't interested. It wasn't until recently they both finally found a love of reading. They now ask for me to read another chapter of our favourite books before bed. I hope I can instil a love of reading in them for a lifetime.