
The power of one plus one...

In October 2011 we held the first One Dollar Day (1$day) and through the help of Mamamia we were able to reach thousands of Australians who gave $1. Thank you to everyone, for every $1.

1$day is the one day every year when we ask everyone who can, to give just $1 for those who can’t. Yes, it is that simple! Just $1, on one day.

The concept was born from a motivation to use my brand and marketing experience to create an innovative social cause. As I developed some ideas I thought about my personal experience with “elitist” fundraising events where a single ticket can cost several hundreds of dollars. 1$day is an equaliser and accessible to everyone – regardless if you earn a lot or a little, we ask for the same $1 from everyone. I wanted to do something measurable and inclusive, where people could give money without expecting anything in return and not having to produce more landfill. I saw the opportunity to create a fundraising event that did not produce merchandise, moving away from the consumerist fundraising model to a genuine and simple donation.

Building Progress

There are over 22 million people in Australia. If the majority of us who live above the poverty line can give just one dollar on one day of the year, the funds raised could be enormous.

In 2011 we raised over $55,500 and we were able to realise our goal to build a village health clinic in Laos through Save the Children Australia. The new village health clinic in Phieng District, Laos, will serve over 11,750 people living in eleven surrounding villages, including nearly 5,000 children. The clinic, to be completed in May, will be staffed by four nurses trained by Save the Children’s Primary Health Care Program and the district health team will monitor activities at the clinic every quarter.


Carol Perks, Save the Children’s Chief Health Advisor in Laos, said the new clinic would provide a large variety of primary health care services that will make a huge difference to the community.

“The clinic provides more than just basic healthcare, and includes maternal and child health services, overnight stays and dispensaries,’’ Carol said. “It’s important that these women have access to family planning services. In remote regions and developing nations such as Laos, providing these accessible health services can literally change, and save, people’s lives.’’

At the maternal and child health care centre built by SCA

In 2012, 1$day is all about children’s education – we want to help kids go to school because education is essential for a bright and secure future. Save the Children Australia is again our principal recipient, with the funds committed to building water, sanitation and hygiene in schools in Ethiopia, and supporting the award winning and innovative Indigenous School Attendance Program in the Northern Territory. Both projects have significant additional health benefits for the children and their communities, which ensures the impact of every donation is far reaching.

How much do you think Australia can raise in one day? Let’s find out on 25 July 2012. After all, it is only $1.

Please GET INVOLVED by registering to collect $1 at your school or work place, and from your family and friends. Please contact me for further information at:

Sophie is a brand and marketing strategist with a passion for authentic communication.

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