Content warning: What you’re about to read contains graphic details of female masturbation that are 100 per cent NSFW. If that’s not your cup of tea – or if your co-workers can see your computer – proceed with caution.
“I rub my index finger in precise, circular motions – just like this – before I tap, tap, tap,” Sidney shows me as she lays back on the bed in a long-sleeved pink top, legs spread, pleasuring herself.
This, is what greeted me upon my first visit to OMGYES, the website helping women have better orgasms with science.
She has a spattering of beige freckles on her hands, her nails clipped short but neat. That’s how up close and personal the instructional videos on OMGYES are. But I digress.
I first heard of OMGYES when Emma Watson spoke of her experience using the website that came recommended to her by a friend back in 2016.
“I wish it had been around longer,” she said in conversation about female sexuality with Gloria Steinem.
Describing itself as “lifting the veil on women’s sexual pleasure,” OMGYES is an instructional website dedicated to exploring the different ways that women find pleasure.
At the time, it piqued my interest. I’ve always wanted to know more about the female orgasm. Since my ‘first time’ in the upstairs room of our holiday house with my equally ‘uneducated’ high-school boyfriend, I’ve secretly wondered if the orgasms I have are the orgasms.
You know, the ones that have women yelling, begging even, and rolling over with smug looks on their faces. But shame, and maybe a bit of embarrassment stopped me from pursuing these thoughts any further. Until now.