
The stern warning note in the athletes' village that has the world talking.

When Great Britain’s men’s cycling team won gold in the 4000m on Saturday, there was great cause to celebrate.

It was the third Olympics in a row they’d be taking home gold for the most prestigious event in the track cycling program, and they managed to break a world record. Their stellar performance left our Aussies in second place, and they were clearly ecstatic with the result.

So, how does one celebrate such an achievement? While we’re not exactly sure, a note left by Great Britain’s women’s cycling team suggests that the men tend to be quite disruptive in the wake of their success.

Great Britain's men's cycling team. Composed with their medals, but not so much afterwards. Image via Getty.

You see, Great Britain's women's cycling team were competing in their final the day after the men. And like the serious athletes they are, they wanted to make sure their rest and focus wasn't interrupted by a bunch of drunk dudes.

In fact, they were so concerned that the antics of Bradley Wiggins, Steven Burke, Ed Clancy and Owain Doull would disturb them, they wrote a funny yet stern note asking them to be considerate of their fellow athletes.

The men's team presumably arrived at the women's room to find the following note stuck to the door.

“To the team pursuit men … CONGRATULATIONS!!” it read.


“As we’re guessing you’re probably gonna be drunk by the time you read this, and a few of you have already into our room accidentally — just a friendly reminder that *THIS IS NOT YOUR ROOM*.

Aww, how lovely. Sometimes intoxicated people really do just need a reminder of what is and is not their room.

And the women's team didn't stop there. They even included a handy hint to the men about the direction of their room, knowing they'd probably need it.

"P.S. If you’re really stuck, you’re room is <------ that way," they wrote.

I need these women in my life.

Owain Doull shared a photo of the note to Twitter, with the caption "Hats off to the girls they know us too well!" Post continues after gallery...


We just hope the men's team didn't bang on the door to tell the women how funny it was, and instead retreated back to their OWN room quietly.

It seems the cyclists' tactic worked, because Great Britain's women's cycling team won gold the following day.

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