
Roxy Jacenko's confusing actions ahead of husband Oliver Curtis' jail release.

On Friday morning, Australian news sites populated their homepages with news of PR Queen Roxy Jacenko and her husband Oliver Curtis, who was due out of prison about 9am.

The lead-up to his release – much like the lead-up to his incarceration – has been brimming with incessant innuendo, rumour and gossip, with questions flagged and theories concocted as to how Jacenko would handle her husband’s release.

True to form, and living up to her PR maven reputation, Jacenko woke on Friday and wreaked havoc for news sites, with the smarts and stealth of someone determined to disrupt their narrative and confuse their theories.

So was she there to pick him up? Was she in bed ignoring it all? Or was she hiding out somewhere else?

That depends, my friends, on what news you decided to read this morning.

News Corp, for example, published photos of Curtis leaving the confines of the Cooma Correctional Centre for the last time just before 9am on Friday, dubbing Jacenko a “no show”.

“Roxy Jacenko was not at the prison to collect her husband, despite previously saying she would go,” the wrote in their coverage of Curtis’ release.

The Daily Mail, however, decided they would camp out at Jacenko’s Bondi home in the early hours of this morning, capturing the mum-of-two leaving her house with her two trench-coat clad children in tow, reportedly on her way to collect her free husband.

“PR maven Roxy Jacenko left her east Sydney home early Friday morning and boarded a private plane with her two children in tow to pick up her husband, disgraced banker Oliver Curtis, from prison as he is released from prison.


“A black Range Rover hire car waited in a street behind Roxy’s Bondi apartment, and picked the trio up, just before 7am,” they wrote in their own coverage of the story.

So who’s to believe? The one who snapped photos of Curtis, or the ones who snapped photos of Jacenko?

Well, to believe either would be to greatly underestimate the genius of Jacenko. According to News Corp, Curtis was picked up by a black Range Rover and taken to a private plane. According to The Daily Mail, Jacenko, too, was picked up in a black Range Rover and taken to a private plane.

Listen: The interview that will change your mind about Roxy Jacenko. 

If bows were drawn and theories made, it would seem Roxy Jacenko, amid the frenzy that has been her husband’s release, has pulled the ultimate PR move of all.

Did Jacenko fly to Cooma? Are they flying separately? Or have both parties ended up on the same plane? Where are they flying to next?

With a few more paps capturing Curtis on the tarmac heading towards his family on a private jet, it would seem the family are together, just not how we expected at the gate of Cooma.

As for Jacenko? Well, in one small move, she confused all corners of the media, and we only hope she’s heading on a much-deserved family holiday.


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