
OJ Simpson's unearthed "hypothetical" confession to murdering his ex-wife is disturbing.

When OJ Simpson was infamously acquitted of murdering his ex-wife Nicole Brown and her friend Ron Goldman, most people felt a guilty man had been let off.

So when a book titled If I Did It attributed to the former American football star was released in 2007 many saw it as confirmation of his guilt.

Now, for the first time, we’ve been able to see the interview the ghost-written book was based on, where Orenthal James Simpon spells out hypothetically how he would have killed Brown and Goldman in 1994.

OJ Simpson during the trial, where he was found "not guilty". Image: Getty.

On Sunday night in the US, Fox aired the 2006 interview with Judith Regan as part of a TV special, OJ Simpson: The Lost Confession. Regan had employed ghostwriter Pablo Fenjves to turn the conversation into If I Did It.

Simpson told Regan that - in this hypothetical scenario - his friend, "Charlie" gave him the knife that he used in the murders.

"As things got heated, I just remember Nicole fell and hurt herself and this guy kind of got into a karate thing," he said.

"And I said, 'Well, you think you can kick my ass?' And I remember I grabbed the knife - I do remember that portion, taking a knife from Charlie - and to be honest after that I don't remember, except I'm standing there and there's all kind of stuff around and..."

"What kind of stuff?" Regan asked.

"Blood and stuff around."

Disturbingly, OJ Simpson bursts into laughter as he says he doesn't remember what happened that night. Post continues.

Video via The Project

If this hypothetical account doesn't sound hypothetical to you at all, that's because it's clearly not. While acquitted of the murders in the 1995 criminal case, the jury of a 1997 civil lawsuit found Simpson "liable" for their deaths - in other words, guilty. The court ordered him to pay out $33.5 million to the victim's families, most of which they never received.

Simpson himself seemed to forget he was supposed to be speaking hypothetically during the interview, saying "obviously I must have" when asked whether he took a glove off at the scene which was later found by police. He also described the blood-soaked scene as "horrible".

He even offered up a motive, saying he had been "fed up" with his ex-wife taking men home while their two children, Justin and Sydney, were in the house.

The interview was meant to air, and the book released, in 2006, but the uproar over whether Simpson would profit from the book caused both to be scrapped. The book was published later, with profits going to the Goldman family as part of the money awarded to them in the lawsuit.

Meanwhile, OJ Simpson largely escaped consequences for murdering the mother of his children and her friend. He later served nine years jail for armed robbery and assault after he attempted to take sports memorabilia he claimed was his from a dealer in September 2007.


The 70-year-old was released on parole in October last year and now lives in Las Vegas.

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