I’m just going to spit it out: I want Offspring to finish. I want this season – season five – to be the last one. In three weeks time, I want to be sitting on my couch, in my pjs watching a spectacular series finale. Not season finale. SERIES finale.
I want to be laughing and crying and reminiscing and I want to be really devastated that my favourite show is ending but more than all that I want it to actually be the end.
(I’ll just pause now as you start bashing out an abusive comment. Just remember – it’s BEC with a c not a k).
I can feel your rage from here. I can.
And it’s entirely possible I’m the only Offspring fan in the country that actually wants their favourite show to call it a day.
But let me explain.
I have loved Offspring from that very fist episode. Remember it? When Nina’s ex husband the bomb expert was blowing shit up to impress her? When Nina and Cherie realised that Nina’s own father was the father of Cherie’s baby. When Nina was trying to hit on Chris Havel? But most of all from that first glorious moment between the Proudman girls when Nina is grappling with a hospital vending machine and Billie calls her mobile and says, “Have you got your hand up a patient or can you talk?”
I was hooked. Smitten. You had me at hello.
And since that first episode in August 2010, baby I’ve been up for the ride.
The Chris Havel on-again off-again (dude, why are you living with your missing wife’s mother?) situation. The sheer clustertruck of Nina sleeping with Mick. The genius of Mick’s apology song ‘Six at Best’. Nana Nina Noonan.