
A 14-year-old girl has been sentenced for murdering her best friend at a sleepover, & more in News in 5.

-With AAP.

1. A 14-year-old girl has been sentenced for murdering her best friend at a sleepover.

A 14-year-old girl has been sentenced to 25 years in prison for stabbing and killing her best friend after an argument at a sleepover.

The unnamed girl from Fort Worth, Texas was sentenced for the death of Nylah Lightfoot, who was stabbed in the neck at an apartment complex in May 2018, Fox News reported.

Four friends were at the sleepover which followed a day of dancing and a pool party, but at 3.30am the accused decided she wanted to go home.

The Fort Worth Star-Telegram reported an argument ensued and Nylah followed her and they fought outside the accused’s apartment. The girl testified she went inside and and retrieved a kitchen knife which she used to stab Nylah.

The accused told the court she couldn’t believe what had happened.

“[Nylah] walked up on me and said ‘stick me, stick me, I want to die anyways’,” the accused girl testified. “She ran up on me and she swung at me and I reacted. My intent was never to harm her. She was my friend.”

“I stabbed her and I made the worst mistake of my life,” she said. “I wish I had been thinking clearly at the time. I pulled it out instantly and tried to stop her from running.”

The defendant will remain in juvenile detention until she is 19, then she will be transferred to prison to finish out her sentence.

2. Designer Karl Lagerfeld dead at 85.


Haute-couture designer Karl Lagerfeld has died at the age of 85, French media reports.

He enjoyed the stature of a god among mortals in the world of fashion, where he stayed on top for well over half of a century and up to his death, at an age almost nobody apart from himself knew with to-the-day precision.

The German designer was best known for his association with France’s Chanel, dating back to 1983. The brand, the legend now goes, risked becoming the preserve of monied grannies before he arrived, slashing hemlines and adding glitz to the prim tweed suits of what is now one of the world’s most valuable couture houses.


But Lagerfeld, who simultaneously churned out collections for LVMH’s Fendi and his eponymous label – an unheard of feat in fashion – was almost a brand in his own right.

Sporting dark suits, white, pony-tailed hair and tinted sunglasses in his later years that made him instantly recognisable, an irreverent wit was also part of a carefully crafted persona.

“I am like a caricature of myself, and I like that,” runs one legendary quote attributed to him, and often recycled to convey the person he liked to play. “It is like a mask. And for me the Carnival of Venice lasts all year long.”

His artistic instincts, business acumen and commensurate ego combined to commercially triumphant effect in the rarefied world of high fashion, where he was revered and feared in similar proportions by competitors and top-models.

A refusal to look to the past was one of his biggest assets, those who knew him said.

Lagerfeld also stood out as a craftsman. An accomplished photographer, he drew his own designs by hand, an increasingly rare phenomenon in fashion. Behind the facade, he was known for his erudition and penchant for literature, and he devoured the world’s leading newspapers daily.

The designer was not afraid of breaking the mould within often-pompous couture circles. He teamed up with high street brand H&M in 2004 for limited edition collections, a move that raised eyebrows and was then quickly copied by others.


His appearance changed over the years along with his affectations, such as a fan he at one time carried and fluttered incessantly.

Known to adore Diet Coke, Lagerfeld said he shed weight in the early 2000s to fit into the razor-thin suits brought in by Christian Dior’s then menswear designer Hedi Slimane.

In rare moments when he was not working, Lagerfeld retired to one of his many homes in Paris, Germany, Italy or Monaco, all of them lavish carbon copies of 18th-century interiors.

3. Bernie Sanders will run for US president.


Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, whose insurgent 2016 presidential campaign reshaped Democratic politics, has announced that he is running for US president in 2020.

“Our campaign is not only about defeating Donald Trump,” the 77-year-old self-described democratic socialist said in an email to supporters.

“Our campaign is about transforming our country and creating a government based on the principles of economic, social, racial and environmental justice.”

Sanders stunned the Democratic establishment in 2016 with his spirited challenge to Hillary Clinton. While she ultimately became the party’s nominee, his campaign helped lay the groundwork for the leftward lurch that has dominated Democratic politics in the Trump era.

The question now for Sanders is whether he can stand out in a crowded field of Democratic presidential candidates who also embrace many of his policy ideas and are newer to the national political stage. That’s far different from 2016, when he was Clinton’s lone progressive adversary.

Still, there is no question that Sanders will be a formidable contender for the Democratic nomination. He won more than 13 million votes in 2016 and dozens of primaries and caucuses. He opens his campaign with a nationwide organisation and a proven small-dollar fundraising effort.

And he could be well positioned to compete in the nation’s first primary in neighbouring New Hampshire, which he won by 22 points in 2016. But he won’t have the state to himself.


While Sanders had been working to lay the groundwork for a second campaign for months, it was unclear whether he will be able to expand his appeal beyond his largely white base of supporters.

In 2016, Sanders notably struggled to garner support from black voters, an issue that could become particularly pervasive during a primary race that could include several non-white candidates.

Sanders also faces different pressures in the MeToo era. Some of his male staffers and supporters in 2016 were described as “Bernie bros” for their treatment of women.

In the run-up to Sanders’ 2020 announcement, persistent allegations emerged of sexual harassment of women by male staffers during his 2016 campaign. Politico and The New York Times reported several allegations of unwanted sexual advances and pay inequity.

In an interview with CNN after the initial allegations surfaced, Sanders apologised but also noted he was “a little busy running around the country trying to make the case.”

As additional allegations emerged, he offered a more unequivocal apology.

“What they experienced was absolutely unacceptable and certainly not what a progressive campaign – or any campaign – should be about,” Sanders said on January 10 on Capitol Hill.

“Every woman in this country who goes to work today or tomorrow has the right to make sure that she is working in an environment which is free of harassment, which is safe and is comfortable, and I will do my best to make that happen.”


4. Melbourne student “manipulated” her boyfriend into attacking a man she said raped her.

A “vindictive” Melbourne nursing student claimed she was raped by a classmate, then manipulated her boyfriend into attacking the man, a judge says.

The victim was hit over the head with a bottle of chilli powder, kicked and imprisoned in the bathroom of his apartment for hours by the then-couple in December 2016.

Ge Zhang, 24, and Yuwei Xie, 25, who met at high school in China, avoided jail over the attack when they were sentenced to community-based orders in the County Court on Tuesday.

Judge Frances Hogan said the “convoluted” and “soap opera-like” saga began with Zhang having sex with a classmate after a night of drinking.

That night Zhang had told her classmate that she had broken up with Xie, but this was not true.

She later told Xie that she had been raped.

Zhang returned to the victim’s home and forced him to beg for forgiveness, taking photos of the apology.

She then sent a series of texts to Xie, urging him to come to the apartment.

“He brought chilli powder because he had heard police used it to stop people,” Judge Hogan said of Xie.

On arrival, Xie ran at the victim and threw the powder at his face before kicking him and hitting him with the bottle.


“He told the victim to take off his pants so he could kick him in the genitals,” the judge said.

The victim was bleeding in the bathroom for up to three hours before Zhang and Xie eventually left.

Zhang later tried to blackmail the victim in texts, asking for money or she would ruin his reputation at RMIT University.

“Your legal counsel rather aptly described the whole scenario as like a soap opera,” Judge Hogan said.

The judge said Xie’s assault was misguided.

“I consider your moral culpability to be less than Ms Zhang’s,” she told Xie.

“You seemed to act out of misguided loyalty or chivalry, whereas Ms Zhang’s offending was vindictive and manipulative.”

Zhang and Xie started a relationship after they separately came to Melbourne to study. They have since broken up.

Xie was studying business and working as a personal trainer, but was forced to stop when his student and work visa was cancelled after the criminal charges.

He was sentenced to an 18-month community corrections order with 200 hours of unpaid work after pleading guilty to intentionally causing injury and false imprisonment.

Zhang pleaded guilty to intentionally causing injury and blackmail, receiving a three-year community corrections order with 300 hours of community work.


5. A senior bishop has been defrocked for failing to take action when told about child sexual abuse.

An assistant bishop could become the most senior Anglican in Australia to be defrocked after a church committee found he took no action when he was told a priest had sexually abused a child.

Assistant Bishop Richard Appleby has 28 days to appeal the decision made on Tuesday by the Professional Standards Board of the Anglican Diocese of Newcastle. It strips him of all roles in the church other than parishioner.


Appleby’s lawyer Peter Skinner said he had yet to take instructions from his 78-year-old client on whether he would appeal.

The church investigation follows criticisms of Appleby in the royal commission into institutional responses to child sex abuse.

The board found Appleby, as assistant bishop in Newcastle in 1984, did nothing after he was told by a victim, identified as CKA, he had been sexually abused by priest George Parker. Parker remained a priest in Newcastle until 1996.

“I am satisfied that because of the conduct found, the respondent (Appleby) is unfit permanently to hold any office,” board president Colin Elliott wrote.

Mr Elliott said a “cover-up culture” prevailed in Newcastle at the time.

Parker died in 2017 at age 79, three weeks after he was charged with 24 child sex offences against two young boys in the 1970s.

Appleby has denied being told about Parker’s crimes.

Appleby does not face criminal charges.

CKA shed tears after learning of the board’s decision.

“It’s significant that the church as a body is prepared to take that action against him,” CKA told the ABC.

“Today’s findings couldn’t have been stronger about the culture of the church that existed at that time, and hopefully this is an end of that.”

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