This week I discovered a wonderful little site on the internet called, NOT PLANT BASED.
I didn’t know exactly what I had stumbled upon, but it was like an internet ‘aha’ moment.
Like, THIS is what I have been looking for.
The slogan for NOT PLANT BASED (NPB) is, “Helping you love food again”. And, that sums it up so easily but beautifully.
Founded by Laura Dennison, and co-authored by Eve Simmons, the duo created the site to offer a source of honest, fresh and non-patronising advice for “troubled eaters”. That’s people who are vulnerable to unhealthy eating or fitness regimes.
NPB is about reclaiming our fear of food and thinking that anything but #cleaneating is something to be ashamed of. Instead, honouring your health – both mental and physical.
As much as I could write all day about how important NPB is in the current media landscape, with “wellness” and “health gurus” being paraded around like they are the Holy Masters of Health, why not hear it from Laura and Eve themselves?
This is our interview with the two women who are on a mission to bring back the food (with the facts).
Mamamia: For those who don’t know about NPB – who are you?
Eve: I am a journalist, writer, food-lover and bullshit detective. After suddenly developing an eating disorder (ED) and coming out the other side, I decided to dedicate a lot of my time to squashing the diet myths and health fads that had been detrimental to me during the run up to my ED.