
This is what people Google about sex.

Yes, it is as bad as you thought.

When it comes to those nitty gritty sex questions, sometimes it can be embarrassing to ask our family, friends or even our doctor.

So who do we ask?

You guessed it.


In an interesting New York Times feature, PHD economist from Harvard and former Google data scientist Seth Stephens-Davidowitz seeks to understand sex.

And in doing so, he’s discovered some interesting facts in relation to what we search on the internet when it comes to doing the deed.

Here they are:

Lack of sex was a common concern for those in all relationships.

Nearly double the number of women than men searched for why their partner won’t have sex with them. (In marriages, it was a fairly even split between genders.)

After sex, users were most commonly searching for answers to why their partner wouldn’t talk to them, text them back or – specific to the married couples – touch them.

Men Google more questions about their sexual organ than any other body part.

Men make more searches asking how to make their penises bigger than how to tune a guitar, make an omelette or change a tyre.

Men’s top Googled concern about steroids is whether taking them might make their penis smaller.


Men’s top Googled question related to how their body or mind changed as they aged and whether their penis got smaller.

More often than not, women were worried about it being too big, with “pain” during sex being the most popular search term, followed by “bleeding”, “peeing”, “crying” and “farting”.

Men and women were on par in their curiosity about how to climax more slowly or more quickly.

A common concern for women seemed to be why their partner wasn’t climaxing at all.

Women wanted to know how to make their breasts bigger (despite a good proportion of men being perplexed by their partner’s desire to get implants) and their vaginas tighter and better tasting.

Women are most frequently concerned that their vaginas smell like fish, followed by vinegar, onions, ammonia, garlic, cheese, body odour, urine, bread, bleach, faeces, sweat, metal, feet, garbage and rotten meat.

Well. That was definitely an eye-opener.

What is a sex related question that you have googled?

If you’re a parent CLICK THROUGH the gallery for the funny ways parents squeeze in sexy-time…

Like this? Try these:

It’s officially the most dangerous sex position.

“Don’t judge me but… I don’t find my pregnant wife sexy. At all.”

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