
The ideal parent, according to Noni Hazlehurst.

Last night Noni Hazlehurst further cemented her place in the hearts of Australians when she accepted the honour of being included in the Logies Hall of Fame at the 2016 Logies ceremony.

To a lot of us, it’s hard to remember a time when Noni wasn’t on TV. She’s simply part of Australian culture and last night that was recognised in a room filled with her peers.

The Logies took us all on a journey through Noni’s career; the early days of The Sullivan’s, Better Homes and Gardens and every parents saviour, Play School. And just like the professional that she is, her acceptance speech was everything.

Noni was a favourite on Play School. Image: ABC

Noni used her time on the stage wisely and chose to highlight some very important issues. She spoke about sexism within the Australian entertainment industry and noted that she was only the second woman to ever be given a place in the hall of fame. She spoke of her colleagues, of her memories, of her experience. And she reflected on one of her greatest roles, mum.


Describing her induction as being 'the best mother's day present',  Noni went on to discuss what she felt made a good parent and her words hit home with mums and dads all over the country,

"The ideal mother and father is someone who nurtures us and protects us, who tells us stories to help make sense of the world, who gives us non-judgmental acceptance and unconditional love, who teaches us that we’re not special but we are unique, who encourages our empathetic instincts and teaches us the responsibility that we have to each other."

Yes, Noni. Yes.

In that one statement Noni summaries what pretty much every parent strives for. The balance, if you will. Our responsibility to teach, and our requirement to love, no matter what as well as our very real need to teach our children that the world does not revolve solely around them.

For so many of us it can be hard to know which to give more weight to at any given time.

I personally love how Noni describes children as not being 'special' as harsh as it may sound because the intertwined message with that is empathy, respect and love for others.

Noni, I loved you then and I love you now.

Congratulations on such a deserving honour.

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