
Now, Melbourne's noisiest neighbours want to know if you'd like to move in with them.

Noisy Neighbours have responded, this time, a little less sarcastically.

To recap:

Mamamia’s Lucy Gransbury was a little bit annoyed by her noisy neighbours. Well, more than a little bit. And rightly so. She let her neighbours know precisely how she felt, in the most excellent way imaginable.

READ MORE: Now THIS is how you deal with noisy neighbours.

Lucy sent a lovely long letter to her neighbours, letting them know exactly how and when they had disturbed her, and exactly how she felt about it. She also provided them with a very thoughtful blank CD of songs that may encourage them to “SHUT THE FUNK UP.”

“They did shut the funk up,” Lucy told us.

“Since I posted the letter to them (and by ‘posted’, I mean ‘threw it over the fence, got scared and ran away giggling like a five-year-old’), I have barely heard a peep.”

READ MORE: My Noisy Neighbours responded to my epic complaint. Sort Of.

However, this new found serenity didn’t last long. Only until the next Saturday night, when Lucy was once again awoken at 4:30am. by cranked up music, a guy pretending to be a girl, and a few choice derpas. Touché Noisy Neighbours. Touché.

But now, apparently, these neighbours of Lucy’s have changed their tune.

Lucy’s ACTUAL neighbour, let’s call him Kevin, posted this on his Facebook page:

“My dearest Lucy, I’m impressed by the lengths you went to creatively get your point across and even more by the audience it reached. Firstly, I’d like to sincerely apologise for the music festivals and comedy galas that have been keeping you, the deaf man and those buried in the cemetery 4kms away awake occasionally.

As for the guy reversing down our driveway it sounded like he was actually a mashed potato. There’s probably people out there that think your crazy for what you done but not me I thought you were brave and I respect you for it. We look forward to getting to know you also and about that G&T you mentioned let’s do it.

I’ll leave that up to you to plan. I hope this reaches you. Neighbourly love, THE HOUSE OF NAARM. ‪#‎haveagoodlife‬
P.S We have a room for rent if you know anyone interested.
P.P.S I’m deadly serious”

Bless. We thought it was pretty brave too, Kevin.

But we might pass on the room.

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