
No, that girl crush has not turned you 'gay'.


Let’s get this straight (no pun intended). You don’t turn gay.

Maybe you fall in love with someone of the same sex. Maybe you’re inherently more attracted to one gender, as opposed to the other. Maybe you’ve always known you like girls. Maybe you refuse to be labelled either way.

But you’re definitely not turned gay because you’ve got a crush on Ruby Rose.

Yes, attractive, sexy, talented, sexy, powerful (did I say sexy?) Ruby Rose (who also happens to be a lesbian) is not your sexuality crisis.

But people are confused:

Ruby's over it.

(Not so much the appalling spelling, more the fact people think she's 'turned them gay')

"When people say to me that I turned them gay, I just laugh, because that’s not really even a possibility," she told Galore Mag. "It sounds like I did something against their will in the middle of the night, as if I crept into their brain and pushed the gay button, then did an evil laugh and left them to fend for themselves—newly gay and alone in the world," she told Galore Mag."

There's no switch, people!

Ups to you if you can appreciate beauty across both genders, or if your attraction isn't bound by a single sex. But a girl crush doesn't make you gay.

Case in point:

"It was very funny how many people would text photos, or slide right into my DMs for months after Orange [is the New Black] launched," Rose said"I would say, “That’s cute, but I’m pretty sure you’re straight.” And they’d say, “I am, but now I have a crush on you.” But then, if I actually reached out to them to get a coffee as a friend to hang, they wouldn’t ever make plans. I could literally feel them sort of wondering if 'coffee' meant something different in the lesbian world."


And again...

"I would be eating breakfast and my phone goes off, and I see a topless photo. And it would always be so out of the blue, and very confusing," Rose continued. "But then I’d be in New York two months later, and I’d get a message from that same person saying, “God, I wish I could see you.” If I responded, “Oh really, I’m actually in NY this week too,” I would get radio silence."

Ruby Rose in comedy drama Orange is the New Black. Post continues below video. 

Video by Netflix


Just because you've seen something you like, does not mean you're now, all-of-a-sudden, epiphany-moment, where-have-you-been-all-my-life? gay.

Why? Because there's more to being gay than Ruby Rose in underwear. Or Miley Cyrus on a wrecking ball. Or Angelina Jolie in Girl Interrupted.


Telling the world you'd "turn gay" for someone like Ruby Rose (who, it is widely agreed, is a super sexy and all-round-awesome actor, who just happens to be a lesbian) is not brave or sexy or funny. It's showy.

"I just think that, as human beings, we are drawn to what we can’t have. We are drawn to fantasy over reality, and often are in love with an idea of a situation rather than the reality of it," Rose explained. "I think people like the idea of “turning gay for someone,” but it’s not actually that simple. Ultimately, that statement is just a form of endearment or a compliment, but it’s not real."

Attraction is another thing. A recent study found women are more likely than men to be turned on by both sexes. And 74% of 'straight' women are just as turned on by naked women as they are by naked men.

This attraction does not mean these women are now questioning their sexual identity, psyching themselves up for 'coming out' to their friends and families, or diving into a relationship, fling or one-night-stand with another woman.

"I break it down like this," Rose concludes. "Did I find Channing Tatum in Magic Mike to be extremely hot? Yes! Could I now turn straight for him without having previously ever had a desire to be with a man? The answer is, nope." 

Featured image via Instagram

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